Server backup to cloud
It can rotate the bucket which is backup destination of each day.
Any sync tool
For example,
- s3sync (easy to use forked from aproxacs/s3sync)
- gsutil (
$ sudo -i
# mkdir -p /backup/log
# mkdir /backup/tmp
# cd /backup
# git clone --depth 1
# cd serverbackup
# cp backup.conf.sample backup.conf
# apt-get install python-dev python-crypto
# cd /backup
# wget
# tar zxf gsutil.tar.gz
# /backup/gsutil/gsutil config -o /backup/serverbackup/boto.cfg
The above method is that the token refresh does not work. It is permanently set up in the following way.
- Create a service account at your Google cloud console.
- Select to furnish a new private key whose type is P12.
- Put created .p12 file at
/backup/serverbackup/<secret key file.p12>
- Write
with the content of the following
gs_service_client_id = <service account email address>
gs_service_key_file = /backup/serverbackup/<secret key file.p12>
gs_service_key_file_password = <pass phrase for key file>
https_validate_certificates = True
content_language = en
default_api_version = 2
default_project_id = <Google Developer Project ID>
Edit following entries.
- Buckets
- Sync
bkcmd.d behaves like rcX.d. Kick each script with prefix 'S' in this directory. ${BKUP_PREFIX} is combined backup directory path and file prefix which is the day number (ex /backup/tmp/3-).
Kick backup at 3:00am
0 3 * * * /backup/serverbackup/backup
You can mail a backup result if you set MAILTO in crontab.