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Extend the Tilt UI with custom actions for your resources.

Example Usage

load('ext://uibutton', 'cmd_button', 'location', 'text_input')

# define resource 'my-resource'
# k8s_resource('my-resource')

# create a button on resource 'my-resource'
           argv=['echo', 'Hello my-resource!'],
           text='Hello World',

# create a button in the navbar
# (logs will go to Tiltfile)
           argv=['echo', 'Hello nav!'],
           text='Hello World',

# create a button with a text field input
           text='Reseed database',
           # If you need env var expansion *within the command itself*
           # you'll need to run it via a shell.
           argv=['/bin/sh', '-c', './ --shard="$SHARD"'],




Creates a button for a resource that runs the given command when clicked.

Argument Type Description
name str Unique ID for button
resource str Resource to associate button with (required if location=location.RESOURCE)
argv List[str] Local command to run when button is clicked
env List[str] Environment variables to pass to the executed command
text str Text to display on button (optional: defaults to name)
location str (enum) Button placement in UI (see location section below)
icon_name str Name of Material Icons font ligature to use as icon (at most one of icon_name or icon_svg should be specified)
icon_svg str or Blob <svg> to use as icon; should have 24x24px viewport (at most one of icon_name or icon_svg should be specified)
inputs List[typing.Union[text_input, bool_input]] Form inputs for button (optional)
disabled bool Whether the button is disabled (optional, default to False)
requires_confirmation bool Whether the button requires a second click to activate (optional, default to False)


To specify button location, you can bind the location helper type or pass a string, e.g. location=location.NAV and location='nav' are equivalent.

Location str Value location Value
Resource resource location.RESOURCE
Global nav nav location.NAV


text_input(name, label="", default="", placeholder="")

Specifies that the button's UI will include a text field the user can enter. The field's current value will be set in the command's env when it is run.

Argument Type Description
name str The text input's name. Also the name of the environment variable to be set when running the command.
label str Text to display next to the text input in the UI.
default str Default initial value for this field.
placeholder str A short hint that describes the expected input of this field.


(name, label='', default=False, true_string=None, false_string=None)

Specifies that the button's UI will include a checkbox to toggle this value. When the command is run, an environment variable will be set based on the checkbox's state. By default, the variable will be set to the string "true" or "false", as appropriate. Those values can be configured with the true_string and false_string parameters.

Argument Type Description
name str The input's name. Also the name of the environment variable to be set when running the command.
label str Text to display next to the input in the UI.
default bool Default initial value for this field.
true_string str If not None, when the checkbox is checked, the environment variable will be set to this string instead of "true".
false_string str If not None, when the checkbox is checked, the environment variable will be set to this string instead of "false".


(name, label='', choices=[])

Specifies that the button's UI will include a dropdown box of choices for this value. When the command is run, an environment variable will be set based on the dropdown's state. By default, the variable will be set to the first choice.

Argument Type Description
name str The input's name. Also the name of the environment variable to be set when running the command.
label str Text to display next to the input in the UI.
choices List[str] List of valid values for this field. The first choice is the default choice.

Button Placement

Currently, you can create buttons for a specific resource, which will be shown with other resource contextual actions such as "Copy Pod ID" or as part of the global nav next to the help and account buttons.


To create a resource button, pass the resource name via resource='my-resource' and omit the location argument or explicitly pass location=location.RESOURCE.

Any command output will appear interleaved with the associated resource's logs.

Providing an icon is optional.

Global Nav

To create a global nav button, pass location=location.NAV. Optionally, you can pass a resource name via resource='my-resource'.

Any command output will appear interleaved with the associated resource's logs if specified and the (Tiltfile) resource if not.

Global nav buttons SHOULD specify an icon via either the icon_name or icon_svg arguments. The text value will appear on hover.


Button icons can either come from the set of built-in icons that ship with Tilt or a custom SVG.

Navbar buttons SHOULD include an icon as the button text is only visible on hover. For resource buttons, icons are optional and will appear within the button if specified.

If both icon_name and icon_svg are specified, icon_svg will take precedence.

Built-in Icons (Material Icons)

Tilt includes the Material Icons by default. Use the icon_name argument and pass the "font ligature" value for your desired icon. The font ligatures are visible in the sidebar after clicking on an icon on the Material Fonts site.

💡 Tip: They are lower_snake_case values, e.g. the "Check Circle" icon has a font ligature value of check_circle.

Custom Icons (SVG)

Use the icon_svg argument and pass a full <svg> element. The SVG viewport should be 24x24 for best results.

To avoid string quoting issues, it's often easiest to load the SVG from disk rather than storing it directly in your Tiltfile:

load('ext://uibutton', 'cmd_button', 'location')

icon = read_file('./icon.svg')

           argv=['echo', '✨ Hello from SVG ✨'],
           text='SVG Nav Button') # text will appear on hover


If a button has inputs, the UI will attach an arrow to the button, allowing the user to set those inputs' values. When the button is clicked, those input's values will be set as environment variables in the executed process. For example:

           argv=['sh', '-c', 'echo Hello, $NAME'],
             text_input('NAME', placeholder='Enter your name'),

This will create a button (top right) with an options menu (opened by the little arrow): screenshot of button with options menu

When the user clicks the button to run its command, $NAME will be set to the field's value, e.g.:

Running cmd: echo Hello, $NAME
Hello, there

Note that if the command needs an env var expanded inside the command itself (e.g., it directly uses $NAME, rather than simply invoking a program that uses $NAME), it will need to be wrapped in a shell call, e.g. ['sh', '-c', 'mycommand $NAME'].

Other notes

Commands are executed locally on the host running tilt up (similar to local_resource).

The argv argument only accepts a list, e.g. ['echo', 'Hello World'] but not echo 'Hello World'.

To run a script, invoke the interpreter and then pass the script as an argument, e.g. ['bash', '-c', 'echo "Hello from bash ${BASH_VERSION}"'].

Known Issues

  • Renamed/deleted buttons will not be removed until Tilt is restarted (#193)