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Tim Case edited this page Jan 13, 2014
55 revisions
###Examples This is kinda ugly but an example file listing almost all the API methods is here.
- Echowrap#artist_biographies
- Echowrap#artist_blogs
- Echowrap#artist_extract
- Echowrap#artist_familiarity
- Echowrap#artist_hotttnesss
- Echowrap#artist_images
- Echowrap#artist_list_genres
- Echowrap#artist_list_terms
- Echowrap#artist_news
- Echowrap#artist_profile
- Echowrap#artist_reviews
- Echowrap#artist_search
- Echowrap#artist_similar
- Echowrap#artist_songs
- Echowrap#artist_suggest
- Echowrap#artist_terms
- Echowrap#artist_top_hottt
- Echowrap#artist_top_terms
- Echowrap#artist_twitter
- Echowrap#artist_urls
- Echowrap#artist_video
- Echowrap#playlist_basic
- Echowrap#playlist_static
- Echowrap#playlist_dynamic_create
- Echowrap#playlist_dynamic_restart
- Echowrap#playlist_dynamic_next
- Echowrap#playlist_dynamic_feedback
- Echowrap#playlist_dynamic_steer
- Echowrap#playlist_dynamic_info
- Echowrap#playlist_dynamic_delete
- Echowrap#taste_profile_create
- Echowrap#taste_profile_update
- Echowrap#taste_profile_keyvalues
- Echowrap#taste_profile_play
- Echowrap#taste_profile_skip
- Echowrap#taste_profile_favorite
- Echowrap#taste_profile_ban
- Echowrap#taste_profile_rate
- Echowrap#taste_profile_status
- Echowrap#taste_profile_profile
- Echowrap#taste_profile_read
- Echowrap#taste_profile_feed
- Echowrap#taste_profile_delete
- Echowrap#taste_profile_list
- Echowrap#taste_profile_similar
- Echowrap#taste_profile_predict
- bars
- beats
- id
- meta
- sections
- segments
- tatums
- track
- biographies
- blogs
- doc_counts
- familiarity
- foreign_ids
- hotttnesss
- id
- images
- location
- name
- news
- reviews
- songs
- terms
- urls
- video
- years_active
- echonest_ids
- explicit
- filename
- id
- release
- title
- type
- year
- acousticness
- analysis_url
- audio_md5
- danceability
- duration
- energy
- key
- liveness
- liveness
- loudness
- mode
- speechiness
- tempo
- time_signature
- valence
- confidence
- duration
- id
- start
- confidence
- duration
- id
- start
- license
- site
- text
- url
- date_found
- date_posted
- id
- name
- summary
- url
- action
- time
- childrens
- christmas
- live
- studio
- audio
- biographies
- blogs
- images
- news
- reviews
- songs
- video
- foreign_id
- id
- familiarity
- id
- name
- date_found
- date_posted
- id
- name
- references
- summary
- type
- url
- catalog
- foreign_id
- name
- hotttnesss
- id
- name
- license
- url
- artist_familiarity
- artist_hotttnesss
- artist_id
- artist_location
- artist_name
- audio_summary
- biographies
- blogs
- date_added
- doc_counts
- foreign_id
- foreign_ids
- images
- last_modified
- location
- news
- play_count
- request
- reviews
- song_hotttnesss
- song_id
- song_name
- song_type
- songs
- terms
- tracks
- urls
- video
- years_active
- artist_name
- item_id
- song_name
- cat_type
- is_active
- timestamp
- version
- attribution
- type
- url
- city
- country
- location
- region
- album
- analysis_time
- analyzer_version
- artist
- bitrate
- detailed_status
- filename
- genre
- sample_rate
- seconds
- status_code
- timestamp
- title
- date_found
- date_posted
- id
- name
- summary
- url
- adventurousness
- append_scores
- artist_pick
- buckets
- distribution
- dmca
- limit
- playlist_type
- rank_type
- song_types
- sort
- variety
- actual_history_length
- api_key
- banned_artist_ids
- banned_song_ids
- call_list
- category_map
- contraints
- favorited_artist_ids
- favorited_song_ids
- favorites_map
- history
- invalid_artist_ids
- invalid_songs
- lookahead
- options
- playlist_score
- ratings_map
- restart_request_ids
- rules
- rules_retries
- rules_run
- rules_runtime
- seeds
- session_id
- skipped_songs
- song_scores
- songs
- category
- results
- artist_id
- artist_name
- date_found
- date_posted
- id
- image_url
- name
- release
- summary
- url
- rule
- assets
- start
- total
- confidence
- duration
- id
- start
- artist_ids
- descriptions
- genres
- seed_catalogs
- session_catalogs
- song_ids
- station_catalogs
- track_ids
- confidence
- duration
- id
- start
- artist_familiarity
- artist_hotttnesss
- artist_id
- artist_location
- artist_name
- attributes
- audio_summary
- id
- message
- score
- song_currency
- song_discovery
- song_hotttnesss
- song_type
- title
- tracks
- details
- items_updated
- percent_complete
- ticket_status
- total_items
- update_info
- id
- items
- keyvalues
- name
- pending_tickets
- predictions
- resolved
- score
- ticket
- total
- type
- confidence
- duration
- id
- start
- frequency
- name
- weight
- analysis_channels
- analysis_sample_rate
- analyzer_version
- artist
- attributes
- audio_md5
- audio_summary
- bitrate
- catalog
- code_version
- codestring
- decoder
- duration
- echoprint_version
- echoprintstring
- end_of_fade_in
- foreign_id
- foreign_release_id
- id
- key
- key_confidence
- loudness
- md5
- mode
- mode_confidence
- num_samples
- offset_seconds
- preview_url
- release
- release_image
- sample_md5
- samplerate
- song_id
- start_of_fade_out
- status
- synch_version
- synchstring
- tempo
- tempo_confidence
- time_signature
- time_signature_confidence
- title
- window_seconds
- info
- item_id
- amazon_url
- itunes_url
- lastfm_url
- mb_url
- myspace_url
- official_url
- wikipedia_url
- date_found
- id
- image_url
- site
- title
- url
- start