- Prelim client tests
- Prelim server tests
- 1. Check all servers still visible.
- 2. Check all dashboards still visible.
- 3. Open old dashboard.
- 4. Open old noteboook.
- Query KDB server
- 1. single line
- 2. selected text
- 3. all
- 4. Try to send multiple queries
- 5. cancel query
- 6. Send query that returns kdb nested dict.
- 7. Send query that fails to kdb.
- 8. Send query that fails to non-kdb
- Edit code (highlighting , brackets, autocomplete working?)
- 1. by typing
- 2. by copy paste
- 3. search and replace
- 4. Horizontal of long file
- 5. Vertical scroll of long line
- Dashboard - Should display smoothly
- 1. Create - Large table with appending data e.g. Trade Blotter
- 2. Create - Large table with moving window e.g. Quotes for last 15 mins.
- 3. Create - Small table of randomly updating table. FX
- 4. Resize window, resize window by changing web instpector divider check console for "updating columns" calls.
- 5. Forms with underscore in the values and multiples selected.
- 6. Bookmarked reports with args in the URL
- Permissions
- 1. Sign in as admin
- - Try admin only action. e.g. add connection
- - Try standard action e.g. view dashboard
- 2. Sign in as standard user
- - Try admin only action. e.g. add connection. Type in raw URL if need be.
- - Try standard action e.g. view dashboard
- 1. Sign in as admin
- CRUD for every item - Create, update, delete, restore from history
- 1. JDBC connections
- 3. Dashboard
- Subscriptions
- 1. Create kdb subscription with {key} as arg to .u.sub.
- 2. Check that old subs turned off and arg changes work.
- Formatting
- 1. Right-CLick - set column formatting - check it applied
- 2. Save Dash, Reload Dash check it reloaded fine.
- 3. Remove formatting - Check column name still applies - Save -> Check.
- Backwards compatible
- 1. Add kdb price-grid demo. Click on table to edit it. (Reason: kdb demo is "old" config without all flags BUT should still work especially editor when it tries to access subSonfig etc.)
- 1. Open an new notebook - example should be shown.
- 2. Save notebook and refresh.
- 3. Add sheet, save notebook in that sheet, check left menu.
- 4. Add chart nad header, are they shown.