This file is intended to make it easier for new developers to get along with the code structure and style of this project.
├ src/simple_openid_connect/ (where all the main python code is located)
│ ├ (message definitions for all OIDC interactions)
│ ├ (entry point for the high level client api)
│ ├ <others> (implementations for specific OIDC features)
│ ├ flows/ (implementations of different authorization flows)
│ └ integrations/ (additional integrations into external software)
├ docs/ (manually written documentation & sphinx config for auto-generated python docs)
└ tests/ (test related code)
├ django_test_project/ (a simple django project using the django integration)
├ interactive_tests/ (tests which require user interaction to execute)
└ <others> (pytest based test suit)
# create a virtual python environment
virtualenv venv
# activate it
source ./venv/bin/activate
# install this project into the venv + dev dependencies
pip install -e .[django,djangorestframework] -r
Assuming that the virtual environment is already activated, the following commands can be executed to build a local version of the projects documentation.
cd docs
make html
Afterwards, the documentation is available as html files under docs/_build/html
To view it, either open the files directly in your browser or use your favourite local http server to serve the content
(e.g. by running python -m http.server -d docs/_build/html 8080
Sometimes, a clean build is required to update the documentation extracted from the source code.
This can be done by running make clean
In order to release a new version, the following steps are necessary:
- Bump version in and commit the change
- Tag the commit using
git tag -a -s v$version
- Publish to pypi using
flit publish