Hi, this is Johnny, I'm an Engineering student. Life and university career are expensive and work is hard. My repositories are free, please consider reward me. Thank you.
Copy kexts to /Library/Extensions/ and rebuild cache
MacOS Versions Supported:
- High Sierra
- Mojave
- Catalina(Beta)
CPUs Supported:
- I7-8550u
- I5-8250u
What is Working
- Native power management
- Intel GPU
- Audio (AppleALC)
- TrackPad
- HDMI video and audio
- USB 3.0
- Brightness keys
- Usb speed
- Built-in camera
- Built-in mic
- Bluetooth Intel
- Wifi Intel
What is Not Working
Hackintosh combojack
- hackintosh-stuff thanks for his repository to fix jack. https://github.com/hackintosh-stuff/ComboJack
stevezhengshiqi He is a good developer. I'm learning a lot about how to patch problems. Thanks for PCIList.aml and more.
RehabMan Updated OS-X-Clover-Laptop-Config and Laptop-DSDT-Patch and OS-X-USB-Inject-All for maintenance
vit9696 Updated Lilu and AppleALC and WhateverGreen for maintenance
alexandred Updated Voodooi2c for maintenance