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Timm edited this page Jun 18, 2024 · 2 revisions

Attachments are capable of changing model bodygroups and parent external models at the same time.

Base types

A few types of base attachments are provided by default, you can always find the available types here:


Creating attachment components

All the base attachment classes are abstract, you have to create a new class and derive it in order for it to show up in the component list. Every attachment component needs a unique name (this is the identifier used to match them), then you can choose to use bodygroups, external models, or both at the same time (e.g: remove the weapon ironsights when you want to attach a scope)

[Title( "Reflex Sight" )]
public class ReflexSightBG : SightAttachment
	public override string Name => "Walther MRS Reflex";
	public override string IconPath => "attachments/swb/sight/reflex/ui/icon.png";
	public override string BodyGroup { get; set; } = "sight";
	public override int BodyGroupChoice { get; set; } = 1;
	public override int BodyGroupDefault { get; set; } = 0;

	// Sight
	public override float AimPlayerFOV { get; set; } = 50f;
	public override float AimSensitivity { get; set; } = 0.5f;

More examples can be found here:

Add attachment to weapon

You can now add your newly created component to your weapon object


Equipping attachments

Equipping an attachment by code is instant and you can do so with the following code:

var attachment = weapon.Attachments.Find( a => a.Name == "Walther MRS Reflex" );

To unequip you just call:

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