This directory contains my preferred settings and helper functionality for git. Note these are just my settings, and may break or be incompatible with your own setup.
name = Timothy Merritt
email =
ui = auto
[filter "lfs"]
required = true
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
process = git-lfs filter-process
defaultBranch = main
The commit conventions document serves as a template for git commit messages. For configuation instructions:
📖 Read my article on Keeping Git Commit Messages Consistent with a Custom Template.
For information on Semantic Versioning conventions, see the spec.
# Header - mandatory
type(optional scope): Short description
^..................^: ^...............^
│ * Less than 60 characters
│ * Present tense
│ * Concise
│ * Ex: 'docs: correct spelling of CHANGELOG'
└── Contains one of the following:
* feat A new feature - SemVar PATCH
└── MUST coincide with 0.0.x patch version
* fix A bug fix - SemVar MINOR
└── MUST coincide with 0.x.0 minor version
* BREAKING CHANGE Breaking API change - SemVar MAJOR
└── MUST coincide with x.0.0 major version, MUST include
! before colon e.g., 'BREAKING CHANGE!: message'
* docs Change to documentation only
* style Change to style (whitespace, etc.)
* refactor Change not related to a bug or feat
* perf Change that affects performance
* test Change that adds/modifies tests
* build Change to build system
* ci Change to CI pipeline/workflow
* chore General tooling/config/min refactor
# Body - optional
Free form structure. Introduces motivation behind changes
and/or more detailed information
# Footer - optional
word-token: string value
word-token #string value
^.........^: ^.........^
Consequences of the change(s), such as related issues resolved
by commit, etc. 'word-token' must not contain whitespace.