This code is highly experimental, all suggestions by the app must be reviewed
Native Android Artificial Pancreas App with algorithm
- Most recent Master apk
- App Summary
- Project blog
- Wiki Documentation
- Bug Reports and Feature Requests
- Support and Feedback
- Native Open Loop system (requires user to review and enter data into pump)
- Capture your Bolus and Carb Treatments
- Bolus Wizard utilising IOB, COB and CGM data
- Ability to switch between Dev and Stable algorithms
- Notifications for Android and Android Wear
- Visuals showing Carb and IOB over time and Basal vs Temp Basal adjustments
- Integration with Nightscout via NSClient and Pump Driver Apps for full Closed Loop operation
App can be used to inform the user at a user set time interval of suggested Temp Basal \ Extended Bolus calculated by the algorithm, this can then be manually set on the users pump. This allows a Diabetic with any pump to experiment with the OpenAPS algorithm.
- Android 5.0+
- xDrip \ xDrip+, Nightscout for CGM Data
- Android Wear for viewing current Basal & acknowledging Temp Basal Suggestions (optional but highly recommended)
- xDrip Watch Face for displaying current Basal, IOB and COB on Android Wear (optional)
- NSClient for Nightscout uploads & CGM values (optional)
- Pump Driver app for your pump for closed Loop support (optional)
###Repos used I am utilising code from the following repos and porting them over to this app.
- OpenAPS oref0 -
- NightWatch -
- Nightscout -
- xDrip -
###Thanks to The community for all their code and advice to make this possible. Special thanks to StephenBlackWasAlreadyTaken, jasoncalabrese, AdrianLxM, Lorelai, MilosKozak and scottleibrand.