Abandoned genesis themes, but stils works part 2
genesis-child-themes Genesis child themes who are Abandoned. But still good to use. Works with the Latest wordpress and Latest genesis framework.
For icons: For Icons best use: https://www.favicon-generator.org Use: Notepad + for changes!
Tested with: Genesis Framework: Version: 3.3.5 + Wordpress: 6,01+
The themes are somewhere in time bought by:)
To change fotter text use: https://wordpress.org/plugins/genesis-footer-builder/ IMPORTANT: Take notepad + and take style.css and delate: Updated URL! not my domain anymore!
- Sweet Kitchen: a good blogger theme, but to small for my taste! but maybe someone else likes it?
- Butter cream: a blogger theme.
- Mommy blogs: a simpel blogging theme for food or just plain bloggers.
- Justbecause: a blogging them, to small for my taste.
- Blossom: A blog theme with woocommerce ( Too small for my taste).
- Victoria: a gallery /photo / blooging theme.
- Shoreline: a simpel blogging theme.
- Think: business or app theme.
- Pngs: Woman or Fashion theme/ News /photo theme.
- Mellow: A woman or blogging theme.
- Just Married: A comon theme, suits marriage or just blogging.
- Envy: Simpel theme with woocommerce.
- Envy pro: More powerful with woocommerce.
- Stylin´: Photo or portfolio blog theme.
- Premium business: A business theme.
- Adelle: a woman blog theme, works also as photo blog.
- Blissed out: A common theme around womman bloggers, to small for my taste, but someone maybe loves it?
- Bluebell: A themes for Entrepuers and bloggers works alos for photo bloggers.
- Current Obsessions: a common theme foe female bloggers.
- Easyeats: A theme for bloggers or recipie bloggers, a common theme.
- Forks & Spoons: A common theme among ´female bloggers, works also for recipe bloggers.
- Marble: A theme for bloggers.
- Singing Hearts: A common theme among female bloggers.
- Sprinkle: a blog theme.
- Silver: A common theme for bloggers with woocommerce.
- Design department: A common theme among female bloggers.
- Eleanor, a widly used theme with woocommerce, can be used with one or two rows I think.
- Fragranz: a magazine or blogging theme, 1 or 2 rows.
- Blogging babe, A common theme for female blogger.
- Anabelle theme, a common woman theme, choose top theme color.
- Inpired, a pinboard inpired theme, works well with photo collection or similiar
PART 1: https://github.com/tinaponting/Genesis-child-themes
PART 2: https://github.com/tinaponting/Genesis-child-themes-2
PART 2: https://github.com/tinaponting/Genesis-child-themes-2
PART 3 https://github.com/tinaponting/Genesis-child-themes-3
Part 4: https://github.com/tinaponting/Genesis-child-themes-4
Part 5: https://github.com/tinaponting/Genesis-child-themes-5