Cats Viewer app using TheCatApi
- Built with Vanilla JS.
- Fething the data in JSON format from the TheCatApi.
- Dynamically inserting the images into the DOM on initial loading.
- When the user scrolls close to the bottom of the page the app makes another GET request to the API and inserts images into the DOM (lazy loading).
- The app stores liked images in LocalStorage.
- Module bundler: Webpack 5 - For build a dependency graph of all the files and their dependencies, and bundle all the files.
- Linter: ESLint (eslint-config-google) - For improving code quality.
- Icon library and toolkit: Font Awesome Free v5.15.4 - For add icons using CSS Pseudo-elements.
See the live version here.
You will need Node.js and Git installed on your machine.
To install, run the following commands into a Terminal window:
git clone
cd pintercats
npm install
npm run build-dev
- Fonts: Google Fonts
- Images: TheCatApi