MSBuild Project Tools language service v0.2.38
- Improve log output (especially for project-load failures).
- Support overriding of MSBuild SDKs path via environment variable (tintoy/msbuild-project-tools-server#5).
- Bug-fix: ArgumentException (parameter name: itemType) when requesting completions on root
element (tintoy/msbuild-project-tools-server#5). - Produce cleaner stack-traces using Demystifier.
- Generate hover content with help and documentation links for well-known MSBuild XML elements that don't directly correspond to MSBuild objects (tintoy/msbuild-project-tools-server#5).
If you want to use the new MSBuild language service, you must have .NET Core 2.0 present on the system path (but your project can target whatever platform / version it wants to). If you don't have it, then the extension will fall back to using the classic PackageReference completion provider (MSBuild-related functionality will not be available).
To use this extension, either install it from the VS marketplace, or download the VSIX package and install it by choosing "Install from VSIX" from the menu on the top right of the extensions panel in VS Code.
More information
See the README for more information.