I'm Tirth, a full-stack developer from the green-city 🌳🌳🌳 Gandhinagar, India. I'm currently working as a tech consultant and developer with multiple clients.
I strive to build great software products and engineering teams from the ground up and have successfully done so, over the period of last 7 years.
I'm currently learning IaC and CI tools like terraform and ansible.
I usually talk/write/mentor about Systems Design, JavaScript/TypeScript eco-system, Serverless technologies & AWS.
I have worked with various front-end frameworks, developed Chrome extensions, designed REST & GraphQL APIs and have worked with different types of databases.
I recently started working on my portfolio website, check it out at tirth.dev
Fun Fact: I have done 9 Microsoft Certifications, but haven't worked with the tech stack in last 4 years.
- TypeScript
- JavaScript (ES6, ES7, ES2018, ES2020, ESNext)
- Testing: Jest, Cypress
- Next JS, React JS, React-router, Redux, Redux-Sagas, URQL, React-Hook-Form, Framer-Motion ♥
- Vue3, Vue, Nuxt JS,
- TailwindCSS, HeadlessUI, Ant Design, Chakra UI, Emotion, Styled-Components, SCSS.
- Serverless Framework, Apollo Server GraphQL, Prisma, Nexus
- NodeJS, Express JS, TypeORM
- ECS, AWS S3, AWS SQS, AWS SNS, AWS Lambda, AWS Cloudfront, AWS Cloudwatch, DynamoDB, AWS RDS, AWS ALB, AWS ELB, EC2 Auto Scaling Groups, AWS WAF, AWS KMS, VPC, IAM, etc. (I know, I know, I should get certified!)
- Terraform, Ansible, Github Actions
- PostgreSQL, MySQL.
- MongoDB.
- AWS DynamoDB, Redis.
- Apache Cassandra.
- Docker, Docker Compose, Webpack, Babel, Typescript, Yarn Workspaces, Lerna, ES-Lint, Prettier, Lint-Staged, Husky, Conventional Commits, Zsh, GraphQL Code Generator, Nexus.