Ths repository provides Terraform modules to create a preprovisioned VM with docker, git and Containerlab in different cloud providers
This VM is an Ubuntu 20.04 and comes with following tools:
- Docker
- Containerlab
- Git
ubuntu@ip-10-0-1-143:~$ docker --version
Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701
ubuntu@ip-10-0-1-143:~$ containerlab version
_ _ _
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____ ___ ____ | |_ ____ _ ____ ____ ____| | ____| | _
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( (__| |_|| | | | |_( ( | | | | | ( (/ /| | | ( ( | | |_) )
\____)___/|_| |_|\___)_||_|_|_| |_|\____)_| |_|\_||_|____/
version: 0.27.1
commit: 39860e1c
date: 2022-06-07T10:45:29Z
rel. notes:
ubuntu@ip-10-0-1-143:~$ git --version
git version 2.25.1
VM is accessible via port ssh/22
for management and port 80/http
for graphite instance
- Amazon AWS with EC2 instance: aws-containerlab-vm
- Google Cloud Platform with Compute Instance gcp-containerlab-vm
Go to the folder for your Cloud provider, update tfvars
file with your own information and run terraform
# Move to cloud folder
cd examples/aws/
# Update vars accordingly
vim terraform.tfvars
# Init Terraform
terraform init
# Plan your deployment
terraform plan
# Deploy your stack
terraform deploy
# After your lab is finished, destroy
terraform destroy
This getting started is only for testing and in case you want to use these modules, it is recommended to use module references as described in the terraform documentation.
Code is under Apache2 License