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small refactoring of educational scripts
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tjira committed Feb 16, 2024
1 parent c10609b commit 16d2ec5
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Showing 6 changed files with 139 additions and 81 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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# exts
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Quantum Acorn, a dynamic collection of electronic structure methods, effortlessl

## Features

Below are all the important features of Acorn divided into categories.
Below are all the important features of Acorn divided into categories. If you are looking for the educational scripts, you can find them in the education folder.

### Quantum Mechanical Methods

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- [ ] Add BAGEL interface with excited state dynamics
- [ ] Add excitation specifications to FCI
- [ ] Create a compare script that compares results with ORCA
- [ ] Create a compare script that compares results with ORCA or Psi4
- [x] Add Mulliken analysis
- [x] Add some tests
- [x] Add the ability to export the atomic integrals
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69 changes: 0 additions & 69 deletions education/python/

This file was deleted.

116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions education/python/
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#!/usr/bin/env python

import argparse as ap, matplotlib.animation as anm, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np

def energy(wfn):
Ek = 0.5 * np.conj(wfn) * np.fft.ifft(k**2 * np.fft.fft(wfn))
Er = np.conj(wfn) * V * wfn; return np.sum(Ek + Er).real * dx

if __name__ == "__main__":
# SECTION FOR PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS =======================================================================================================================================================

# create the parser
parser = ap.ArgumentParser(
prog="", description="Exact Quantum Adiabatic Dynamics Educational Toolkit", add_help=False,
formatter_class=lambda prog: ap.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=128)

# add the arguments
parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", help="Print this help message.", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--iters", help="Maximum number of iterations. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=1000)
parser.add_argument("-n", "--nstate", help="Number of states to consider. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=3)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--points", help="Number of discretization points. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=1024)
parser.add_argument("-r", "--range", help="Range for the calculated wavefunction. (default: %(default)s)", nargs=2, type=float, default=[-16, 16])
parser.add_argument("-s", "--tstep", help="Time step of the propagation. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=0.1)
parser.add_argument("-t", "--threshold", help="Convergence threshold for the wavefunction. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=1e-12)

# add the flags
parser.add_argument("--real", help="Perform the real time propagation.", action="store_true")

# parse the arguments
args = parser.parse_args()

# print the help message if the flag is set
if parser.print_help(); exit()

# VARIABLE INITIALIZATION ==========================================================================================================================================================================

# define the discretization step and state array
dx, states = (args.range[1] - args.range[0]) / (args.points - 1), list()

# define x and k space
x, k = np.linspace(args.range[0], args.range[1], args.points), 2 * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(args.points, dx)

# define initial wavefunction and potential
psi0, V = np.exp(-(x - 0.5)**2), 0.5 * x**2

# define R and K operators for real and imaginary time propagation
Rr, Kr = np.exp(-0.5j * V * args.tstep), np.exp(-0.5j * k**2 * args.tstep)
Ri, Ki = np.exp(-0.5 * V * args.tstep), np.exp(-0.5 * k**2 * args.tstep)

# WAVEFUNCTION PROPAGATION =========================================================================================================================================================================

# propagate each state
for i in range(args.nstate):
# define initial wavefunction
psi = [0j + psi0 / np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(psi0)**2) * dx)]

# loop over imaginary and real time
for R, K in zip([Ri, Rr], [Ki, Kr]):
# break if real time propagation is not required
if not args.real and np.array_equal(R, Rr) and np.array_equal(K, Kr): break

# reset the wavefunction guess for real time propagation
if np.array_equal(R, Rr) and np.array_equal(K, Kr): psi = [psi[-1]]

# propagate the wavefunction
for _ in range(args.iters):
# apply R and K operators and append to wavefunction list
psi.append(R * np.fft.ifft(K * np.fft.fft(R * psi[-1])));

# apply Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
for j in (j for j in range(i)):
psi[-1] -= np.sum(np.conj(states[j][-1]) * psi[-1]) * states[j][-1] * dx

# normalize wavefunction
psi[-1] /= np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(psi[-1])**2) * dx)

# break if wavefunction has converged
if np.sum(np.abs(psi[-1] - psi[-2])**2) < args.threshold or np.abs(energy(psi[-1]) - energy(psi[-2])) < args.threshold: break

# append wavefunction to list of states and print energy
states.append(psi); print("E_{}:".format(i), energy(psi[-1]))

# RESULTS AND PLOTTING =============================================================================================================================================================================

# define probability density
D = [[energy(psi) + np.abs(psi)**2 for psi in state] for state in states]

# create the figure and definte tight layout
[fig, ax] = plt.subplots(); plt.tight_layout()

# define minimum and maximum x values for plotting
xmin = np.min([np.min([np.min(x[np.abs(psi)**2 > 1e-8]) for psi in Si]) for Si in states])
xmax = np.max([np.max([np.max(x[np.abs(psi)**2 > 1e-8]) for psi in Si]) for Si in states])

# define maximum y values for plotting
ymaxreal = max([max([energy(psi) + np.real(psi).max() for psi in state]) for state in states])
ymaximag = max([max([energy(psi) + np.imag(psi).max() for psi in state]) for state in states])

# define the minimum y values for plotting
yminreal = min([min([energy(psi) + np.real(psi).min() for psi in state]) for state in states])
yminimag = min([min([energy(psi) + np.imag(psi).min() for psi in state]) for state in states])

# set limits of the plot
ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax); ax.set_ylim(np.block([V, yminreal, yminimag]).min(), max([ymaxreal, ymaximag]))

# plot the potential and initial wavefunctions
ax.plot(x, V); plots = [[ax.plot(x, np.real(state[0]))[0], ax.plot(x, np.imag(state[0]))[0]] for state in states]

# animation update function
def update(j):
for i in range(len(plots)): plots[i][0].set_ydata(energy(states[i][j if j < len(states[i]) else -1]) + np.real(states[i][j if j < len(states[i]) else -1]))
for i in range(len(plots)): plots[i][1].set_ydata(energy(states[i][j if j < len(states[i]) else -1]) + np.imag(states[i][j if j < len(states[i]) else -1]))

# animate the wavefunction
ani = anm.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=np.max([len(state) for state in states]), interval=30);; plt.close("all") # type: ignore
30 changes: 20 additions & 10 deletions education/python/
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A2BOHR = 1.8897259886

ATOM = {
"H": 1,
"O": 8,
"F": 9,
"H" : 1, "He": 2,
"Li": 3, "Be": 4, "B" : 5, "C" : 6, "N" : 7, "O" : 8, "F" : 9, "Ne": 10,
"Na": 11, "Mg": 12, "Al": 13, "Si": 14, "P" : 15, "S" : 16, "Cl": 17, "Ar": 18,
"K" : 19, "Ca": 20, "Sc": 21, "Ti": 22, "V" : 23, "Cr": 24, "Mn": 25, "Fe": 26, "Co": 27, "Ni": 28, "Cu": 29, "Zn": 30, "Ga": 31, "Ge": 32, "As": 33, "Se": 34, "Br": 35, "Kr": 36,
"Rb": 37, "Sr": 38, "Y" : 39, "Zr": 40, "Nb": 41, "Mo": 42, "Tc": 43, "Ru": 44, "Rh": 45, "Pd": 46, "Ag": 47, "Cd": 48, "In": 49, "Sn": 50, "Sb": 51, "Te": 52, "I" : 53, "Xe": 54,
"Cs": 55, "Ba": 56, "La": 57, "Hf": 72, "Ta": 73, "W" : 74, "Re": 75, "Os": 76, "Ir": 77, "Pt": 78, "Au": 79, "Hg": 80, "Tl": 81, "Pb": 82, "Bi": 83, "Po": 84, "At": 85, "Rn": 86,
"Fr": 87, "Ra": 88, "Ac": 89, "Rf":104, "Db":105, "Sg":106, "Bh":107, "Hs":108, "Mt":109, "Ds":110, "Rg":111, "Cn":112, "Nh":113, "Fl":114, "Mc":115, "Lv":116, "Ts":117, "Og":118,

"Ce": 58, "Pr": 59, "Nd": 60, "Pm": 61, "Sm": 62, "Eu": 63, "Gd": 64, "Tb": 65, "Dy": 66, "Ho": 67, "Er": 68, "Tm": 69, "Yb": 70, "Lu": 71,
"Th": 90, "Pa": 91, "U" : 92, "Np": 93, "Pu": 94, "Am": 95, "Cm": 96, "Bk": 97, "Cf": 98, "Es": 99, "Fm":100, "Md":101, "No":102, "Lr":103,

if __name__ == "__main__":
# SECTION FOR PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS =======================================================================================================================================================

# create the parser
parser = ap.ArgumentParser(prog="", description="Restricted Electronic Structure Methods Educational Toolkit", add_help=False, formatter_class=lambda prog: ap.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=128))
parser = ap.ArgumentParser(
prog="", description="Restricted Electronic Structure Methods Educational Toolkit",
add_help=False, formatter_class=lambda prog: ap.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=128)

# add the arguments
parser.add_argument("-m", "--molecule", help="Molecule file in the .xyz format. (default: %(default)s)", type=str, default="")
Expand All @@ -35,7 +45,7 @@
# print the help message if the flag is set
if parser.print_help(); exit()

# OBTAIN THE MOLECULE ANS ATOMIC INTEGRALS =========================================================================================================================================================
# OBTAIN THE MOLECULE AND ATOMIC INTEGRALS =========================================================================================================================================================

# get the atomic numbers and coordinates of all atoms
atoms = np.array([ATOM[line.split()[0]] for line in open(args.molecule).readlines()[2:]], dtype=int)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,7 +87,7 @@
VNN += 0.5 * atoms[i] * atoms[j] / np.linalg.norm(coords[i, :] - coords[j, :]) / A2BOHR if i != j else 0

# print the results
print("RHF ENERGY:", E_HF + VNN)
print("RHF ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + VNN) + (" (PSI4: {:.8f})".format("scf/{}".format(args.psi))) if args.psi else "")) # type: ignore

# MOLLER-PLESSET PERTRUBATION THEORY OF 2ND ORDER ==================================================================================================================================================
if args.mp2:
Expand All @@ -90,7 +100,7 @@
E_MP2 += Jmo[i, a, j, b] * (2 * Jmo[i, a, j, b] - Jmo[i, b, j, a]) / (eps[i] + eps[j] - eps[a] - eps[b]);

# print the results
print("MP2 ENERGY:", E_HF + E_MP2 + VNN)
print("MP2 ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_MP2 + VNN) + (" (PSI4: {:.8f})".format("mp2/{}".format(args.psi))) if args.psi else "")) # type: ignore

# FULL CONFIGUIRATION INTERACTION ==================================================================================================================================================================
if args.fci:
Expand All @@ -113,15 +123,15 @@
# define the CI Hamiltonian
Hci = np.zeros([len(dets), len(dets)])

# define two-electron part of the Slater-Condon rules, so is array of unique and common spinorbitals [unique, common]
# define the Slater-Condon rules, "so" is an array of unique and common spinorbitals [unique, common]
slater0 = lambda so: sum([Hms[m, m] for m in so]) + sum([0.5 * (Jms[m, m, n, n] - Jms[m, n, n, m]) for m, n in it.product(so, so)])
slater1 = lambda so: Hms[so[0], so[1]] + sum([Jms[so[0], so[1], m, m] - Jms[so[0], m, m, so[1]] for m in so[2:]])
slater2 = lambda so: Jms[so[0], so[2], so[1], so[3]] - Jms[so[0], so[3], so[1], so[2]]

# fill the CI Hamiltonian
for i in range(Hci.shape[0]):
for j in range(Hci.shape[1]):
# copy the determinants so they are not modified
# copy the determinant and define sign
aligned, sign = dets[i].copy(), 1

# align the first determinant to the second and calculate the sign
Expand All @@ -145,4 +155,4 @@
eci, Cci = np.linalg.eigh(Hci); E_FCI = eci[0] - E_HF

# print the results
print("FCI ENERGY:", E_HF + E_FCI + VNN)
print("FCI ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_FCI + VNN) + (" (PSI4: {:.8f})".format("fci/{}".format(args.psi))) if args.psi else "")) # type: ignore

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