Thanks for considering contributing to psCheckPoint. All contributions however small will be greatly appreciated by all who use this tool. Just remember we do have a code of conduct that must be followed by all.
Also please follow the below guidelines when contributing.
psCheckPoint is an open source project and we love to receive contributions from our community — you! There are many ways to contribute, from writing tutorials or blog posts, improving the documentation, submitting bug reports and feature requests or writing code which can be incorporated into psCheckPoint itself.
Pester is used for testing psCheckPoint. While older commands may not yet have Pester test files for them, any command added or edited from now on must have a matching test file created and maintained to test basic functionality.
Please, don't use the issue tracker for support questions. You can ask support question on psCheckPoint's CHECKMATES page or via
Also, if you find any security vulnerabilities, do not open a issue. Security vulnerabilities should only be reported via email
Please use the issue tracker to log bugs & feature requests. Is also good to submit any enhancements you may be working on, in a fork, so they can be discussed with the community.
Also if there is a particular Check Point API command we have not yet implemented in psCheckPoint, please log it as a feature request as we will try and prioritise those API calls that are requested.
To submit code changes please make a fork and make your changes there. Once you are happy with your changes please submit a pull request.