- authors: Petr Bauch, Michal Dobes jr. and Tomas Kratochvila
- project: AUFOVER
- description: OSLC Verification Server based on Proxygen by Honeywell. Need to run on linux due to dependencies with formal verification tools installed and server ports opened.
- Install DIVINE at least version 4.4 from: https://divine.fi.muni.cz/
- Install Symbiotic at least version 8 from: https://github.com/staticafi/symbiotic
- Install Spectra: https://pajda.fit.vutbr.cz/testos/spectra
- Install ANaConDA: https://pajda.fit.vutbr.cz/anaconda/anaconda
- Optionaly install also CPACheck, cmbc, Infer or formal verification tools SW verification.
- Set all paths to all tools in the configuration.
- author: Ondrej Vasicek
- project: AUFOVER
- description: OSLC Verification Server based on LYO client developed by Ondrej Vasicek from Honeywell. Need to run on linux server with formal verification tools installed and server ports opened.
First run or clean run:
$ cd adapter
$ mvn clean install jetty:run-exploded
Normal run:
$ cd adapter
$ mvn jetty:run-exploded
Use the adapter/adapter.properties file.
- adapter - source of the adapter, oslc4j project
- adapter-model - model of the adapter, Lyo Designer modeling project
- dev_tools - my development scripts
- lyo.domains - imported domain models (https://github.com/eclipse/lyo.domains)