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🎓 Visualizations for learning analytics of virtual patients.

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Virtual Patient Visualizations

Visualizations for learning analytics of virtual patients.



  1. Install nodeJS and yarn

  2. Install node-gyp

    $ yarn global add node-gyp
    $ yarn global add --production windows-build-tools
  3. Install node modules $ yarn install

  4. Run webpack-dev-server for development $ yarn run dev

  5. Build for production $ yarn run build

Integration tips

Open Labyrinth installation (on Windows)

  • installation wiki
  • install XAMPP (don't use php7 - by now OL uses deprecated php functions )
  • clone OL github repo git clone
  • PHP configuration
    • install pecl_http
      • download, extract and copy php_http.dll to xampp/php/ext
      • add (or uncomment) line extension=php_http.dll in xampp/php/php.ini
      • more info - see this and this
    • change memory limit - in xampp/php/php.ini set memory_limit=1024M
    • change max execution time - in xampp/php/php.ini set max_execution_time=300
    • change upload max filesize - in xampp/php/php.ini set upload_max_filesize=10M
  • open in browser host/ol/www and go through installation wizard
  • run composer install in project root directory
  • run php vendor/robmorgan/phinx/bin/phinx init (php vendor/bin/phinx migrate wont work on Windows - see this)

Learning Locker installation (on Windows)

  • installation instructions

  • install MongoDB

    • download and go through wizard
    • add MongoDB bin folder to PATH environment variable
    • create data directory (mongod by default uses dbpath=C:\data\db\)
  • install MongoDB PHP Driver

    • download lastest version (pick right for installed PHP version, TS, x86), extract and copy php_mongo.dll to xampp/php/ext
    • add line extension=php_mongo.dll in xampp/php/php.ini
  • clone LL github repo git clone

  • instal composer and inside learninglocker directory run composer install --no-interaction --no-dev (use gitbash if not working in plain cmd)

  • setup LL database

    • run mongod (can pass --dbpath="your\data\dir")

    • in second terminal run

      use learningLockerDBName
      db.createUser( { user: "userName", pwd: "password", roles: [ "readWrite" ] } );
    • create app/config/local/database.php file

      return [
          'connections' => [
              'mongodb' => [
                  'driver'   => 'mongodb',
                  'host'     => 'localhost',
                  'port'     => 27017,
                  'username' => 'userName',
                  'password' => 'password',
                  'database' => 'learningLockerDBName'
    • run php artisan migrate

  • create app/config/local/app.php file

    return [
        'key' => 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY0'

    use key of size 16, 24, or 32

  • open in browser localhost/learninglocker/public/register and register admin user

  • verify registered admin user - go to "Users" tab (http://localhost/learninglocker/public/site#users) and click on "verified"

Open Labyrinth and Learning Locker connection

(Tested on OL v3.3.1 and LL v1.13.5)

  • open Learning Locker site
    • on navigation click LRSs, then Create an LRS, fill and submit form
    • click on new LRS title, then Manage clients and Create client
    • remember endpoint and new client credentials
  • open Open Labyrinth site
    • on navigation go to Tools > LRS, then click Add LRS
    • fill form using Learning Locker endpoint and created client credentials (remember to set Enable: Yes)
    • in specific labyrinth details set Send xAPI statements in real-time: Yes
  • more: Connecting-an-LRS-to-OLab.docx

VPV and Learning Locker connection

  • open Learning Locker site
    • create new LRS client
  • open VPV site
    • on navigation go to LRS > add
    • fill form using Learning Locker endpoint and created client credentials


🎓 Visualizations for learning analytics of virtual patients.







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