A React Native Han Viet Browser.
- Using Typescript for better typing
- Using MobX as an alternative to React/Redux to see how it works in an app.
- Eslint and Prettier for clean code style
- Using AsyncStorage for recent site visited.
- Showing home with bookmarked url as buttons grid. Click on any button to go to that site and auto switching to browser view.
- Auto translate from Chinese to Vietnamese back and forth in one button click (汉/HV)
- Allow to inject javascript to downloaded page so you can zoom in, zoomout and restore original scale. (A+: ZoomIn, a-: ZoomOut, 1:1: Original size)
- Allow to refresh the page by clicking on ↻
- Allow to disable/enable CSS by clicking on (1/½)
- Auto hide other buttons when focusing on url input
- Allow to bookmark visited url using 🔖
- Allow to unbookmark visited url using 📑
- Allow to go back history using ⇦
- Allow to switch back and forth between browser and bookmark items using 🏠
- Install expo app follow this link
- When the app start, click on any button in home view to go to a site and auto switching to browser view.
- Clicking on 汉/HV for switching between Chinese/Vietnamese
- Look at Features section for more features.