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Streaming ANN:

Table of Contents

I. Plugins Programming Guide:
II. Streaming-ann SDK API Reference
III. Use Cases
IV. Built-in Plugins and Modules

I. Plugins Programming Guide:

  1. plugins definitions:

    Each plugin must contain and implement the following 3 definitions:

    (1) a typename string: (plugin_type)

    #define ANN_PLUGIN_TYPE_STRING "io-plugin::httpclient"

    (2) ann_plugin_get_type() function:

    const char * ann_plugin_get_type(void) { return ANN_PLUGIN_TYPE_STRING; }

    (3) ann_plugin_init() function:

     int ann_plugin_init (
     	void * object,			// io_input_t or ai_engine_t
     	json_object * jconfig	// object-settings
  2. plugin class and virtual interfaces:

    (1) class:

     typedef struct ann_plugin
     	void * handle;					// <== dlopen()
     	void * user_data;				// not used
     	char * filename;				// plugin filename
     	char * type;					// plugin_type string
     	void * query_interface;			// TODO:: query custom functions
     	// virtual interfaces 
     	void * init_func; 			// init_function pointer

    (2) virtual interfaces:

     typedef const char * (*ann_plugin_get_type_function)(void);
     typedef int  (* ann_plugin_init_function)(void * object, json_object * jconfig);

II. Streaming-ann SDK API Reference

** Description: **

Since this SDK uses OOP implemented in C, Most of the class instances needs to be initialized by calling 'classname _init()' API.

Use ‘classname _cleanup ()’ to release resources

  1. ** plugins manager (helpler class): **

    ** (1) Definition: **

     typedef struct ann_plugins_helpler
     	void * user_data;		// not used
     	ssize_t max_size;		// max plugins
     	ssize_t num_plugins;	// plugins count
     	ann_plugin_t ** plugins;	
     	// public functions
     	ssize_t (* load)(struct ann_plugins_helpler * helpler, const char * plugins_path);
     	int (* add)(struct ann_plugins_helpler * helpler, const char * filename);
     	int (* remove)(struct ann_plugins_helpler * helpler, const char * filename);
     	plugin_t * (* find)(struct ann_plugins_helpler * helpler, const char * sz_type);

    ** (2) API ** ann_plugins_helpler_t * ann_plugins_helpler_init(

     	ann_plugins_helpler_t * helpler,	// must be NULL
     	const char * plugins_path,			// plugin files path
     	void * user_data					// not used
     ai_plugins_helpler_t * ai_plugins_helpler_get_default(void);
     void ai_plugins_helpler_cleanup(ai_plugins_helpler_t * helpler);

    ** (3) Example: ** (source-code: tests/test-plugins.c )

     The following program demonstrates the usuage of 'ann_plugins_helpler' class.
     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <stdlib.h>
     #include <string.h>
     #include <assert.h>
     #include "ann-plugin.h"
     void ann_plugins_dump(ann_plugins_helpler_t * helpler);
     int main(int argc, char **argv)
     	const char * plugins_path = "plugins";		// plugin files path
     	if(argc > 1) plugins_path = argv[1];
     	/* init plugins manager, MUST be initialized before any another streaming-ann-api calling */
     	ann_plugins_helpler_t * helpler = ann_plugins_helpler_init(NULL, plugins_path, NULL);
     	/* check plugins info */
     	/* cleanup */
     	return 0;
     void ann_plugins_dump(ann_plugins_helpler_t * helpler)
     	printf("==== %s(%p):: num_plugins=%ld\n", __FUNCTION__, helpler, (long)helpler->num_plugins);
     	ann_plugin_t ** plugins = helpler->plugins;
     	for(int i = 0; i < helpler->num_plugins; ++i)
     		ann_plugin_t * plugin = plugins[i];
     		printf("%.3d: type=%s, filename=%s\n", i, plugin->type, plugin->filename); 
  2. ** io-module plugins **

    Description: streaming-ann API Input/Output Module;

    (1) input_frame class: (ANN [input / output] data buffer)

     enum input_frame_type
     	input_frame_type_invalid = -1,
     	input_frame_type_unknown = 0,
     	input_frame_type_bgra = 1,
     	input_frame_type_jpeg = 2,
     	input_frame_type_png  = 3,
     	input_frame_type_image_masks = 0x7FFF,
     	input_frame_type_json_flag = 0x8000,
     typedef struct input_frame
     		bgra_image_t bgra[1];
     		bgra_image_t image[1];
     			unsigned char * data;
     			int width;
     			int height;
     			int channels;
     			int stride;
     	ssize_t length;
     	long frame_number;
     	struct timespec timestamp[1];
     	enum input_frame_type type;
     	ssize_t cb_json;
     	char * json_str;
     	void * meta_data;	// json_object
     void input_frame_free(input_frame_t * frame);
     input_frame_t * input_frame_new();
     void input_frame_clear(input_frame_t * frame);
     int input_frame_set_bgra(input_frame_t * input, const bgra_image_t * bgra, const char * json_str, ssize_t cb_json);
     int input_frame_set_jpeg(input_frame_t * input, const unsigned char * data, ssize_t length, const char * json_str, ssize_t cb_json);
     int input_frame_set_png(input_frame_t * input, const unsigned char * data, ssize_t length, const char * json_str, ssize_t cb_json);

    (2) ** io_input ** class

     enum io_input_type
     	io_input_type_invalid = -1,
     	io_input_type_default = 0,		// struct input-source
     	io_input_type_memory = 1,		
     	io_input_type_tcp_server,		// passive mode: listening user's inputs: tcp send
     	io_input_type_http_server,		// passive mode: listening user's inputs: HTTP POST
     	io_input_type_tcp_client,		// pull-mode, GET data from ip:port
     	io_input_type_http_client,		// pull-mode, GET data from url
     	io_input_type_custom = 999,		// custom plugins
     enum io_input_type io_input_type_from_string(const char * sz_type);
     typedef struct io_input
     	void * user_data;			// user's context
     	void * priv;				// io-plugin's private data
     	void * plugins_helpler;		// io_plugins_helpler_t
     	enum io_input_type type;	// build-in
     	char * input_type;			//
     	char * name;				// input-id
     	/* virtual interfaces: ( overided by io-plugin implementations ) */
     	// Init and load settings, Each plugin has its own configuration format,
     	// please refer to the sample json files in the plugins 'conf' folder
     	int (* init)(struct io_input * input, json_object * jconfig);
     	int (* run)(struct io_input * input);
     	int (* stop)(struct io_input * input);
     	void (* cleanup)(struct io_input * input);
     	int (* load_config)(struct io_input * input, json_object * jconfig);	// reload settings
     	int (* get_property)(struct io_input * input, const char * name, char ** p_value, size_t * p_length);
     	int (* set_property)(struct io_input * input, const char * name, const char * value, size_t cb_value);
     	// io_input::member_functions
     	long (* get_frame)(struct io_input * input, long prev_frame, input_frame_t * frame);
     	long (* set_frame)(struct io_input * input, const input_frame_t * frame);
     	// user-defined callbacks
     	int (* on_new_frame)(struct io_input * input, const input_frame_t * frame);
     	// private data ( KEEP UNTOUCHED )
     	void * frame_buffer;
     	long frame_number;
     io_input_t * io_input_init(io_input_t * input, const char * sz_type, void * user_data);
     void io_input_cleanup(io_input_t * input);

    (3) ** Example: ** ** (source-code: tests/test-io-inputs.c )

     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <stdlib.h>
     #include <string.h>
     #include <assert.h>
     #include <gst/gst.h>
     #include "ann-plugin.h"
     #include "io-input.h"
     #define IO_PLUGIN_DEFAULT "io-plugin::input-source"
     #define IO_PLUGIN_HTTPD	"io-plugin::httpd"
     #define IO_PLUGIN_HTTP_CLIENT	"io-plugin::httpclient"
     /* notification::callback when a new frame is available  */
     int test_on_new_frame(io_input_t * input, const input_frame_t * frame)
     	static long frame_number = 0;
     	assert(frame && frame->data);
     	char sz_type[200] = "";
     	ssize_t cb_type = input_frame_type_to_string(frame->type, sz_type, sizeof(sz_type));
     	assert(cb_type > 0);
     	printf("==== frame_number: %ld ====\n", frame_number++);
     	printf("\t: type: %s (0x%.8x)\n", sz_type, frame->type);
     	printf("\t: image_size: %d x %d\n", frame->width, frame->height);
     	return 0;
     json_object * load_config(const char * conf_file, const char * plugin_type)
     	json_object * jconfig = NULL;
     	if(conf_file) return json_object_from_file(conf_file);
     	jconfig = json_object_new_object();
     	// use default settings
     	if(strcasecmp(plugin_type, IO_PLUGIN_DEFAULT) == 0)
     		// camera uri:  [rtsp/http/fsnotify/file]://camera_or_video_or_image_path,
     		static const char * camera_id = "input1";
     		static const char * camera_uri = "0";		// "0": local_camera (/dev/video0)
     		json_object_object_add(jconfig, "name", json_object_new_string(camera_id));
     		json_object_object_add(jconfig, "uri", json_object_new_string(camera_uri));
     	}else if(strcasecmp(plugin_type, IO_PLUGIN_HTTPD) == 0)
     		json_object_object_add(jconfig, "port", json_object_new_string("9001"));
     	}else if(strcasecmp(plugin_type, IO_PLUGIN_HTTP_CLIENT) == 0)
     		json_object_object_add(jconfig, "url", json_object_new_string("http://localhost:9001"));
     	return jconfig;
     static const char * plugin_type = IO_PLUGIN_DEFAULT;
     static const char * plugins_path = "plugins";
     int parse_args(int argc, char ** argv);
     volatile int quit;
     int main(int argc, char **argv)
     	int rc = 0;
     	gst_init(&argc, &argv);
     	parse_args(argc, argv);
     	ann_plugins_helpler_init(NULL, plugins_path, NULL);
     	io_input_t * input = io_input_init(NULL, plugin_type, NULL);
     	json_object * jconfig = load_config(NULL, plugin_type);
     	rc = input->init(input, jconfig);
     	assert(0 == rc);
     	 * input->on_new_frame:  on new_frame available notification callback
     	 * 	if this callback is set to NULL,
     	 * 	use input->get_frame() to retrieve the lastest frame
     	input->on_new_frame = test_on_new_frame; // nullable
     	if(strcasecmp(plugin_type, IO_PLUGIN_HTTPD) == 0)	// httpd only, patch to libsoup 
     		GMainLoop * loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, TRUE);
     		char command[200] = "";
     		char * line = NULL;
     		while((line = fgets(command, sizeof(command) - 1, stdin)))
     			if(line[0] == 'q') break;
     	return 0;
     #include <getopt.h>
     int parse_args(int argc, char ** argv)
     	static struct option options[] = {
     		{"plugins-dir", required_argument, 0, 'd'},
     		{"plugins-type", required_argument, 0, 't'},
     	int option_index = 0;
     		int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:t:", options, &option_index);
     		if(c == -1) break;
     		case 'd': plugins_path = optarg; break;
     		case 't': plugin_type = optarg; break;
     			fprintf(stderr, "invalid args: %c\n", c);
     	return 0;
  3. ** ai-engine ** plugins:

    Description: darknet /opencv-dnn / caffe / tensorflow / torch plugins

    (1) ** ai_tensor ** class

     enum ai_tensor_data_type
     	ai_tensor_data_type_unknown = -1,
     	ai_tensor_data_type_float32 = 0,
     	ai_tensor_data_type_masks = 0x7fff,
     	ai_tensor_data_type_gpu_flags = 0x8000,
     typedef struct ai_tensor
     	enum ai_tensor_data_type type;
     	void * 		data;
     	int_dim4 dim[1];
     	size_t length;
     ai_tensor_t * ai_tensor_init(ai_tensor_t * tensor, enum ai_tensor_data_type type, const int_dim4 * size, const void * data);
     void ai_tensor_clear(ai_tensor_t * tensor);
     int ai_tensor_resize(ai_tensor_t * tensor, const int_dim4 * new_size);

    (2) ** ai-engine ** class

     typedef struct ai_engine
     	void * user_data;
     	void * priv;			// ai_plugin_t *
     	// virtual functions ( overided by plugins )
     	int (* init)(struct ai_engine * engine, json_object * jconfig);
     	void (* cleanup)(struct ai_engine * engine);
     	int (* load_config)(struct ai_engine * engine, json_object * jconfig);
     	int (* predict)(struct ai_engine * engine, const input_frame_t * frame, json_object ** p_jresults);
     	int (* update)(struct ai_engine * engine, const ai_tensor_t * truth);
     	int (* get_property)(struct ai_engine * engine, const char * name, void ** p_value);
     	int (* set_property)(struct ai_engine * engine, const char * name, const void * value, size_t length);
     	// public member functions
     	ai_tensor_t * (* get_workspace)(struct ai_engine * engine);		// pre-allocated global memory (GPU or CPU)
     ai_engine_t * ai_engine_init(ai_engine_t * engine, const char * plugin_type, void * user_data);
     void ai_engine_cleanup(ai_engine_t * engine);

    (3) Examples: ( source-code: tests/test-ai-engine.c)

     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <stdlib.h>
     #include <string.h>
     #include <assert.h>
     #include <json-c/json.h>
     #include "ann-plugin.h"
     #include "ai-engine.h"
     #include "utils.h"
     #include "input-frame.h"
     json_object * load_config(const char * conf_file, const char * engine_type)
     	json_object * jconfig = NULL;
     	if(conf_file) jconfig = json_object_from_file(conf_file);
     	if(NULL == jconfig)
     		jconfig = json_object_new_object();
     		json_object_object_add(jconfig, "conf_file", json_object_new_string("models/yolov3.cfg"));
     		json_object_object_add(jconfig, "weights_file", json_object_new_string("models/yolov3.weights"));
     	return jconfig;
     static const char * aiengine_type = "ai-engine::darknet";
     int main(int argc, char **argv)
     	int rc = -1;
     	assert(ann_plugins_helpler_init(NULL, "plugins", NULL));
     	ai_engine_t * engine = ai_engine_init(NULL, aiengine_type, NULL);
     	json_object * jconfig = load_config(NULL, aiengine_type);
     	rc = engine->init(engine, jconfig);
     	assert(0 == rc);
     	// test
     	const char * image_file = "1.jpg";
     	input_frame_t * frame = input_frame_new();
     	unsigned char * jpeg_data = NULL;
     	ssize_t cb_data = load_binary_data(image_file, &jpeg_data);
     	assert(jpeg_data && cb_data > 0);
     	rc = input_frame_set_jpeg(frame, jpeg_data, cb_data, NULL, 0);
     	assert(0 == rc && frame->data && frame->width > 0 && frame->height > 0 && frame->length > 0);
     	frame->length = frame->width * frame->height * 4;
     	json_object * jresults = NULL;
     	rc = engine->predict(engine, frame, &jresults);
     	if(0 == rc)
     		fprintf(stderr, "detections: %s\n", json_object_to_json_string_ext(jresults, JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY));
     	if(jresults) json_object_put(jresults);
     	if(jconfig) json_object_put(jconfig);
     	return 0;

III. Use Case:

  1. local-input --> local-AIengine --> local-output

    • Local PC:

      [input] : io_input_t * input = io_input_init(NULL, "ioplugin::default", ctx);

      [AI-engine] : ai_engine_t * engine1 = ai_engine_init(NULL, "aiengine::darknet", ctx); ai_engine_t * engine2 = ai_engine_init(NULL, "aiengine::cvdnn", ctx);

      [output] : json_object * jresults;


     int main() {
     	ann_plugins_helpler_init(NULL, plugin_path, NULL);
     	ai_context * ctx = new_ctx();
     	ctx->input = input;
     	ctx->engines_count = 2;
     	ctx->engines[0] = engine1;
     	ctx->engines[1] = engine2;
     	input->init(input, jinput);
     	input->on_new_frame = on_new_frame;
     	engine1->init(engine1, jdarknet);
     	engine2->init(engine2, jfacenet);
     	return 0;
     int on_new_frame(io_input_t * input, const input_frame_t * frame)
     	ai_context * ctx = input->user_data;
     	for(int i = 0; i < ctx->engines_count; ++i)
     		json_object * jresults = NULL;
     		ai_engine_t * engine = ctx->enginnes[i];
     		ssize_t count = engine->predict(engine, frame, &jresults);
     		if(count && jresults)
     			// output
     		if(jresults) json_object_put(jresults);
     	return 0;
  2. local-input --> remote-AIengine --> local-output

    • Local PC:

      [input] : io_input_t * input = io_input_init(NULL, "ioplugin::default", NULL);

      [AI-engine] : io_input_t * ai_request = io_input_init(NULL, "ioplugin::httpclient", NULL);

      [output] : ai_request->get_frame()->json_str

    • Remote AI Server:

      [input] : io_input_t * input = io_input_init(NULL, "ioplugin::httpd", ctx);

      [AI-engine] : ai_engine_t * engine1 = ai_engine_init(NULL, "aiengine::darknet", ctx);

        		ai_engine_t * engine2 = ai_engine_init(NULL, "aiengine::cvdnn", ctx);
        		on_new_frame() --> engines->predict();

      [output] : http response: (content-type: application/json)

  3. remote-input --> local-AIengine

    • Remote:

      input : io_input_t * input = io_input_init(NULL, "ioplugin::default", NULL);

      output : io_input_t * ai_request = io_input_init(NULL, "ioplugin::httpclient", NULL);

    • Local PC:

      input : io_input_t * input = io_input_init(NULL, "ioplugin::httpd", ctx);

      AI-engine: ai_engine_t * engine1 = ai_engine_init(NULL, "aiengine::darknet", ctx);

        		  ai_engine_t * engine2 = ai_engine_init(NULL, "aiengine::cvdnn", ctx);
        		  engines->predict() --> Redenderer(Merge(frame+json)) --> mjpg->set_frame();

      output : motion-jpeg server

IV. Built-in Plugins and Modules

	1. io-input plugins:
		+ default:  
		+ http-server
		+ http-client

	2. ai-plugins:
		+ darknet	   (YoloV3, resnet101, resnet152, vgg-16, yolo9000, rnn, go)
		+ opencv-dnn (face detection / facerecognition)
		+ customize ai-engines

	3. Motion-JPEG Server


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