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StPos is an Automation Studio library for the SuperTrak modular transport system.

The StPos library provides functions to translate between local section positions and global loop positions.
The functions are valid for any network layout.
The global reference is defined by two user inputs: origin section and direction.
Notice: This is not an offical library. StPos is provided as is under the GNU GPL v3.0 license agreement.
Download the library here.


  1. SuperTrak positions on a global reference
  2. User-defined positive direction
  3. Support for all SuperTrak layouts
    • Standard 180° loop
    • Wide 180° loop
    • 90° loop
    • Linear
  4. Hardware-specific calibrated section lengths
  5. Efficient function calls for cyclic use
  6. Export system layout for external processing

StPos 6 section layout example900

StPos 6 section sample plot

In this example, the origin section is 2 and the positive direction is left (clockwise). The section lengths are exactly 1000.0 and 1030.0, however, the user's system will likely vary in section length slightly accounting for the unique encoder calibration.


Clone to a reference location

git clone

Or, add as submodule to your project's libraries

cd <project_root>
git submodule add <apj_root>/Logical/Libraries/StPos

Then add the library in Automation Studio logical view with toolbox object "Existing Library".


Physical SuperTrak systems require encoder calibration when commissioned. This leads to calibrated section lengths - deviations in microns from the nominal lengths. StPos functions use the calibrated lengths when considering global positions. This ensures global position accuracy will reflect physical systems.

Note: Simulated systems have calibrated lengths exactly equal to the nominal lengths.

Here is an example of global positions two sections on a system with unique calibrated lengths. The global direction is right (the section position direction is always right).


Here is the same example but with the global direction going left (the section position direction is always right).

Calibration left


The internal SuperTrakReadLayout() function is only called when there is a change in user origin section or direction. This keeps CPU usage to a minimum. If the user re-calibrates the section encoders, the user may warm-restart or call SuperTrakRefreshLayout() to force a new internal call to SuperTrakReadLayout(). This will update the calibrated section lengths.

/* Global position on SuperTrak loop from section position */
long SuperTrakGlobalPosition(unsigned char section, long sectionPosition, unsigned char originSection, long direction, long *globalPosition, struct SuperTrakPositionInfoType *info);
Parameter In/Out C Type (IEC Type) Unit Description
section In unsigned char (USINT) Input section
sectionPosition In long (DINT) um Input section position
originSection In unsigned char (USINT) Define global reference section on system layout
direction In long (DINT) Define global direction 0: left (CW) 1: right (CCW)
globalPosition Out long (DINT) um Calculated global position
info Out SuperTrakPositionInfoType Diagnostic information
return Out long (DINT) 0: Success, see SuperTrakPositionErrorEnum otherwise

/* Section and section position on SuperTrak loop from global position */
long SuperTrakSectionPosition(long globalPosition, unsigned char originSection, long direction, unsigned char *section, long *sectionPosition, struct SuperTrakPositionInfoType *info);
Parameter In/Out C Type (IEC Type) Unit Description
globalPosition In long (DINT) um Input global position
originSection In unsigned char (USINT) Define global reference section on system layout
direction In long (DINT) Define global direction 0: left (CW) 1: right (CCW)
section Out unsigned char (USINT) Calculated section
sectionPosition Out long (DINT) um Calculated section position
info Out SuperTrakPositionInfoType Diagnostic information
return Out long (DINT) 0: Success, see SuperTrakPositionErrorEnum otherwise

/* Total pallet travel length of the SuperTrak section network */
long SuperTrakTotalLength(long *length, struct SuperTrakPositionInfoType *info);

This function provides the total calibrated length of all sections on the system. If in simulation, not encoder calibration is required and the calibrated lengths are initialized to the nominal lengths.

Parameter In/Out C Type (IEC Type) Unit Description
length Out long (DINT) um Calculated total length of SuperTrak layout
info Out SuperTrakPositionInfoType Diagnostic information
return Out long (DINT) 0: Success, see SuperTrakPositionErrorEnum otherwise

/* Obtain the SuperTrak system layout information */
long SuperTrakSystemLayout(struct SuperTrakSystemLayoutType *layout, struct SuperTrakPositionInfoType *info)
Parameter In/Out C Type (IEC Type) Unit Description
layout Out SuperTrakSystemLayoutType System layout information
info Out SuperTrakPositionInfoType Diagnostic information
return Out long (DINT) 0: Success, see SuperTrakPositionErrorEnum otherwise


  sectionCount          6
  networkOrder[0]       5  (Left network tail)
  networkOrder[1]       4
  networkOrder[2]       3  (Left network head)
  networkOrder[3]       2  (Right network head)
  networkOrder[4]       1
  networkOrder[5]       6  (Right network tail)
  networkMapping[1]     4  (Section #1 is in network order 4)
  networkMapping[2]     3
  networkMapping[3]     2
  networkMapping[4]     1
  networkMapping[5]     0  (Section #5 is at the left tail)
  networkMapping[6]     5 
  flowOrder[0]          1  (Section #1 is the logical head section)
  flowOrder[1]          2  (Next section in flow direction of head)
  flowOrder[2]          3 
  flowOrder[3]          4 
  flowOrder[4]          5 
  flowOrder[5]          6 
  sectionType[1]        0  (Standard straight)
  sectionType[2]        0
  sectionType[3]        1  (Standard curve)
  sectionType[4]        0
  sectionType[5]        0
  sectionType[6]        1  
  layoutLinear          FALSE


Variable Declaration

    MyOriginSection : USINT;
    MyDirection : DINT;
    MyInputSection : USINT;
    MyInputSectionPosition : DINT; (*[um]*)
    PositionResult : SuperTrakPositionErrorEnum;
    PositionInfo : SuperTrakPositionInfoType;
    ReturnGlobalPosition : DINT; (*[um]*)

IEC Structured Text

PositionResult := SuperTrakGlobalPosition(
    section         := MyInputSection,
    sectionPosition := MyInputSectionPosition,
    originSection   := MyOriginSection,
    direction       := MyDirection,
    globalPosition  := ADR(ReturnGlobalPosition),
    info            := PositionInfo


PositionResult = SuperTrakGlobalPosition(

Error Handling

With the help of libraries IecString and UserLog, any errors from StPos functions can be logged with diagnostic information.

Declare logging variables.

    PositionResult : SuperTrakPositionErrorEnum;
    PositionInfo : SuperTrakPositionInfoType;
    Format : STRING[125]; 
    Message : STRING[125]; 
    FormatArgs : FormatStringArgumentsType; 

Create and call action if an error is detected, PositionResult <> stPOS_ERROR_NONE.

(* Log StPos error *)
ACTION LogStPosError:
    // This action assumes PositionResult and PositionInfo is declared and populated from a recent call to an StPos function
    CASE PositionResult OF
            Format          := 'StPos layout service channel read error %i parameter %i';
            FormatArgs.i[0] := PositionInfo.serviceChannelResult;
            FormatArgs.i[1] := PositionInfo.serviceChannelParameter;
            Format          := 'StPos layout section count %i exceeds maximum %i';
            FormatArgs.i[0] := PositionInfo.sectionCount;
            FormatArgs.i[1] := PositionInfo.sectionCountMax;
            Format          := 'StPos layout section user address %i, network index %i, exceeds section count %i';
            FormatArgs.i[0] := PositionInfo.section;
            FormatArgs.i[1] := PositionInfo.networkIndex;
            FormatArgs.i[2] := PositionInfo.sectionCount;
            Format          := 'StPos layout invalid type %i for section %i';
            FormatArgs.i[0] := PositionInfo.sectionType;
            FormatArgs.i[1] := PositionInfo.section;
            Format          := 'StPos layout head section %i exceeds section count %i';
            FormatArgs.i[0] := PositionInfo.headSection;
            FormatArgs.i[1] := PositionInfo.sectionCount;
            Format          := 'StPos layout invalid flow direction %i (0 - left, 1 - right)';
            FormatArgs.i[0] := PositionInfo.flowDirection;
            Format          := 'StPos layout unexpected network order';
            Format          := 'StPos invalid input origin section %i for layout section count %i';
            FormatArgs.i[0] := PositionInfo.originSection;
            FormatArgs.i[1] := PositionInfo.sectionCount;
            Format          := 'StPos invalid input section %i for layout section count %i';
            FormatArgs.i[0] := PositionInfo.section;
            FormatArgs.i[1] := PositionInfo.sectionCount;
            Format          := 'StPos input section %i position %i um exceeds limits [0, %i] um';
            FormatArgs.i[0] := PositionInfo.section;
            FormatArgs.i[1] := PositionInfo.sectionPosition;
            FormatArgs.i[2] := PositionInfo.sectionPositionMax;
            Format          := 'StPos input global position %i um exceeds limits [0, %i] um';
            FormatArgs.i[0] := PositionInfo.globalPosition;
            FormatArgs.i[1] := PositionInfo.totalLength;
            Format := 'StPos unexpected global position';
            Format := 'StPos unknown error';
    IecFormatString(Message, SIZEOF(Message), Format, FormatArgs);
    LogMessage(USERLOG_SEVERITY_ERROR, 1234, Message);


You may notice build warnings such as "Additional directory/file found ..." from the StPos submodule.

Build warnings

Add -W 9232 9233 to your CPU's build properties window under Additional build options to suppress.


  • SuperTrak >= 0.6.0

