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Specs DSL for TensorFlow (developmental version of tf.contrib.specs)

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specs -- simple specifications for TensorFlow networks

This library implements a simple domain-specific language for specifying deep neural networks in TensorFlow.

From a high level, there are a set of standard operators and ways of combining them:

  • operator | takes the output from one layer and "pipes" it into the next
  • operator ** repeats a layer multiple times

Naming conventions:

  • single character names are reserved to users
  • built-in layers are capitalized, not CamelCase (Relu, Fs, etc.)
  • built-in layers that are common are usually two letters (Cr, Fs, etc.)
  • less common operations are longer (Relu, Conc, etc.)
  • temporary names should end in _

Common layers:

Common layers are defined by short, capitalized abbreviations. For layers that take an activation function (fully_connected, conv2d), the acronym is a conjunction of a base layer and the activation. For example, Fs represents a fully connected layer followed by a sigmoid, whereas Ft represents a fully connected layer followed by a Tanh.

  • Fx = slim.fully_connected; x = activation function, one of s/t/r/l/m
  • Cx = slim.conv2d; x = activation function, one of s/t/r/l/m
  • Mp = slim.max_pool2d
  • Ap = slim.avg_pool2d
  • Bn = slim.batch_norm

Nonlinearities (suffixes for C/F, so Cs = convolutional layer + sigmoid):

  • s = sigmoid
  • t = tanh
  • r = relu
  • l = linear (i.e., None)
  • m = softmax

Positional and keyword arguments are the same as for the underlying slim and TensorFlow functions. Therefore, common usage patterns are:

Cr(64, [5, 5]) # conv2d with a 5x5 footprint and 64 outputs
Mp([2, 2])     # max pooling using [2, 2] steps

Explicit nonlinearities:

  • Relu = tf.nn.relu
  • Sig = tf.nn.sigmoid
  • Tanh = tf.nn.tanh
  • Smax = tf.nn.softmax


  • Flat = slim.flatten
  • Reshape = tf.reshape
  • Squeeze = tf.squeeze
  • Expand = tf.expand_dims

Multidimensional LSTM:

These are intended as alternatives to 2D convolutions. For sequence models, there will be other modeling primitives.

  • Lstm2 = Fun(lstm2d.separable_lstm) # 2D-to-2D
  • Lstm2to1 = Fun(lstm2d.reduce_to_sequence) # 2D-to-1D
  • Lstm2to0 = Fun(lstm2d.reduce_to_final) # 2D-to-vector
  • Clstm2(n, m) is a Cl(n, [3,3]) followed by Lstm2(m)
  • Dws(n) is a depthwise convolution Cs(n, [1, 1])


  • Id = identity
  • Do = slim.dropout
  • Lrn = tf.nn.local_response_normalization
  • Unit = slim.unit_norm
  • Conc is roughly tf.nn.concat

Binding external functions:

  • External - import an external function using module path
  • Import - import an external function using statements

A network specification is a sequence of name = expression Python statements, with the net variable holding the network that is being defined. That is, your specification must have a statement of the form net = ... as its last statement.

So, a simple MNIST network might look like:

net = Cr(64, [5, 5]) | Fs(10)

More complicated:

net = (Cr(64, [5, 5]) | Mp([2, 2])) ** 3 | Fs(10)

With temporary names:

cmp_ = Cr(64, [5, 5]) | Mp([2, 2])
net = cmp_ ** 3 | Fs(10)

(You can also separate statements with ; instead of \n)

General model structure:

  • Models are sequences of name = expression statements in Python syntax.
  • Other kinds of statements are not allowed (with a few exceptions, like calling debug())
  • Names should be assigned only once.

These constraints are only partially enforced by the library right now, but may be strictly enforced in the future.

More Details

The spec language is intended for rapid experimentation with common layer types; it's not a replacement for the standard TensorFlow or slim APIs. If you have some complex layer type or construct that's difficult to represent in spec, you can implement it directly in Python and then easily make it available as a spec operator.

Since partial application with positional arguments can be a little confusing, you can also specify positional arguments with keywords like _1:

cr5_ = Cr(_1=[5, 5]); net = cr5_(64) ** 3 | Fs(10)

You can enable debugging by putting debug() at the beginning of your network definition:

debug(); net = Cr(64, [5, 5]) | Fs(10)

The module is a "combinator library". To make the syntax work nicely with Python, the __call__ operator is overloaded to perform partial application.

To create a network from Python, you just call the following:

  inputs = tf.placeholder(...)
  spec = "net = (Cr(64, [5, 5]) | Mp([2, 2])) ** 3 | Fs(10)"
  outputs = specs.create_net(spec, inputs)

You can pass variable bindings into create_net:

  inputs = tf.placeholder(...)
  spec = "net = (Cr(64, [5, 5]) | Mp([2, 2])) ** depth | Fs(10)"
  outputs = specs.create_net(spec, inputs, dict(depth=3))

Using specs in Code

The specs operators are defined in the module specs_ops. To facilitate using the specs DSL in your code without namespace pollution, you can use the specs.ops context manager, which will temporarily make the specs operators available in your code:

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy.random as npr
specs = tf.contrib.specs.python

with specs.ops:
  net = (Cr(64, [2, 2]) | Mp([2, 2])) ** 3 | Flat | Fs(10)
inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 28, 28, 1])
outputs = net.funcall(inputs)

sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
tf.global_variables_initializer().run()[outputs], feed_dict={inputs: npr.uniform(size=(17, 28, 28, 1))})

Sharing and Variables

You can share variables among subnets by wrapping them with Shared:

f = Shared(Fr(100))
g = f | f | f | f

This will stack four fully connected ReLU layers, sharing the same weights and biases.

You can also create variables explicitly:

v = Var("v")

You can use this to write expressions like this:

net = Cl(100, 3) + Var("b", shape=[128, 128, 100]))

Note that, under the covers, both the Cl operator and the Var operator generate functions that are eventually applied via funcall to an input tensor; the function generated by the Var operator ignores its argument and calls tf.get_variable with the supplied arguments.

Pulling in New Primitives

If you need some special function in your spec language, you can make it available using External or Import. The following two statements are equivalent:

Sig = External("some_module", "some_op")
Sig = Import("import tensorflow as tf; f = tf.nn.sigmoid")

You probably will want to use Import because TensorFlow contains a number of imports that look like they are in modules, but they are actually just values placed in the namespace somehow. The Import function takes an arbitrary Python statement that eventually needs to assign a value to the variable f that is then wrapped up as a function.


Not all functions available in TensorFlow have corresponding short names in specs; in order to access other functions conveniently, you can refer to any function in a number of existing modules using the full function name in that module. Module shortcuts are defined for:

  • TF = tf
  • NN = tf.nn
  • SL = slim

You can, of course, introduce more abbreviations in your own code.

These are defined as:

TF = specs_lib.AutoFunction(tf)

Using these definitions, SL.conv2d(64, 5) is equivalent to Cr(64, 5).


There are a number of functions that give you information about the structure of specs (and other, similarly structured, TensorFlow graphs); the first number is the number of parameters, followed by the op, and the shape.

>>> summaries.tf_spec_summary("net = Cr(100, [3,3]) | Flat | Fs(10)",
                              input_shape=(17, 28, 28, 1))
     0 Placeholder          [17, 28, 28, 1]
  1000 Conv                 [17, 28, 28, 100]
     0 Flatten              [17, 78400]
784010 fully_connected      [17, 10]


More documentation, comments.

The following features are intended to be added soon (names subject to change):

  • add sequence processing layers
  • add named point cuts
  • Seq(a, b, c).add(name=layer).add(name=layer) for explicit seq. structures
  • S2d, D2s (space/depth operators)
  • Shared(...) -- variable sharing
  • Mix(...) -- weighted convex combination of layer outputs
  • Lincom(...) -- weighted linear combination of layer outputs
  • SameDepth(A) -- makes output depth same as input
  • summary ops
  • slim's arg_scope
  • automatic wrapping of long-name slim layers
  • depth-to-space, etc.

Eventually, there may be a similar spec language for input layers and pipelines.


Specs DSL for TensorFlow (developmental version of tf.contrib.specs)






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