Welcome to the Thrive Loom E-Commerce MVP! This project is a minimal viable product (MVP) for a basic e-commerce platform. It showcases essential features such as product listing, shopping cart functionality, and a simplified checkout process. The frontend is developed using React, with data stored locally for simplicity.
- Project Overview
- Core Features
- Project Structure
- Installation
- Usage
- Technologies Used
- Screenshots
- License
- Contact
Thrive Loom E-Commerce MVP focuses on creating a user-friendly shopping experience with core e-commerce functionalities. This project is perfect for demonstrating your skills in React and front-end development.
- Product Listing and Detail Pages: Display a list of products and detailed views of each product.
- Shopping Cart Functionality: Manage cart state, allowing users to add, update, and remove items.
- Simplified Checkout Process: Capture user details and display a confirmation message (no actual payment processing).
- Local Storage for Data Persistence: Persist cart data and user details using local storage.
- Setup and Environment: Initialized the project with Create React App and organized the project directory.
- Product Listing: Created a JSON file for product data, implemented ProductList and ProductDetail components.
- Shopping Cart: Implemented a ShoppingCart component, managed cart state, and persisted data.
- Checkout Process: Created a Checkout component with form validation and a confirmation message.
Clone the repo:
- Clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/tmstani23/ecommerce_project_mvp
- Clone the repository from GitHub:
Navigate to the project folder:
- Change into the project directory:
cd ecommerce_project_mvp
- Change into the project directory:
Install Dependencies:
- Install all project dependencies:
npm install
- Install all project dependencies:
- Run the project:
- Start the development server:
npm start
- Start the development server:
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000
to view the application. Browse products, add items to the cart, and proceed to checkout.
- React: For building the user interface.
- Tailwind CSS: For styling the application.
- React Router: For handling routing.
- Local Storage: For data persistence.
Here are some screenshots of the application:
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Created by Tim Stanislav as an MVP for demonstration purposes.
Feel free to contact me at:
- Email: thriveloomhq@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
- Twitter: X (Twitter)