It is an application that sends notifications to Slack when Jenkins builds fail.
- This project requires Java 8 or later.
- spring boot version 3.x
- slack-api-client 1.29.2
- You can configure the git repository path and Slack details in the application.yml file.
- You only need to set either the Channel ID or the Channel Name.
monitoring: git: repository.path: jenkins: consoleUrl: slack: token: xoxb-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx delivery: message: "Jenkins Build Fail" channel: id: name:
- You only need to set either the Channel ID or the Channel Name.
- When a matching user does not exist in the Slack channel, it can be configured to send a direct message to the admin.
- default matching with commit author email address and slack email address.
- run application
- build this project and run JenkinsMonitoringApplication.class
- [OR] java -jar jenkins_slack_notifier*.jar
- execute api
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:7777/jenkins/projects/{projectId}/{branch}/alarm'