- Since last time
- Current developments
- Currently happening
Since last meeting we decided on:
PMI tables
- Person
- Patient
- Debtor
- Country
- Gender
- EthnicGroup
- Province
- Country
- Religion
Beacuse Patient have only 4 fields
- InternalNo
- ExternalNo
- Carer flag
- Clinicom comments
We are trying to make querying fast and use less joins. So we added this to Person table.
If you want to know whether this is a Patient... The InternalNo will be populated.
This leaves us with 2 tables:
- Person
- Debtor
So how do we know if a Person is a Debtor... His/Her DebtorNo will be populated.
This investigation... see whether its possible to use sql for DW.
- SQL wont work as the sql relationship does not show up in DeepSee.
- Ran the sql script...
- Proceed to build cubes from data and the relationships did not come up
- Cache uses its own internal ID, even if you specify a field called ID. Cache will just create a column called ID1
- We will keep a SQL script on the side
- Just from all the working with this project, my opinion is, Cache was designed to use object as data (Object database)
- I think therefore using sql is not directly supported by DeepSee.
- On the positive side... Use Programming against your object rather using DDL (Data Definition Language).
- However we can still use SQL against our data
- Person, Patient, Debtor
- Person, Debtor
- The feed program is pulling data from FOCUS, as we speak.
- We running the program in 1 minute intervals.
- Once the Once-Off-Import is complete, the program will automatically sync PMI data from LIVE