A super simple library to display realtime logs of your node application in the browser.
npm install log-tv --save
log-tv makes use of express and socket.io, so you will need those installed in your app.
var ltv = require('log-tv');
var app = require('express')();
var server = require('http').createServer(app);
var io = require('socket.io')(server);
ltv.setup(app, "/log", io);
// Now anywhere in your code, add some log messages
ltv.log("Server is listening on port 3000");
Now open your browser and point to the /log endpoint:
The page that load will display your logs in real-time:
[2018-03-26 16:29:15] You are connected to the log-tv service!
[2018-03-26 16:29:22] A log message...
[2018-03-26 16:30:01] Another log message...
- add string.format log string with require('util')
- style up the log screen
- keep the old log(...) statements in the log-tv console