Four Paw’s Best Buddies is an social media application that allows users to view the dogs that come to our daycare/boarding/grooming facility. The user is able to create an account with their email/password or log in with Google. From there, they will be able to create posts about their dogs and their experiences at Four Paw B&B, like other posts that other people have created, update their posts, delete their posts, and search for dogs by the dog's name. I created a simple and fun mobile responsive interface that anybody of any age could use and enjoy.
To create your own social media app, first you must copy and paste your own MongoDB database link in the config/dev.js file. Then, open your terminal in the root directory and run:
npm i
Then open a second terminal in the root directory and run:
cd client
and then:
npm i
After you have all of the necessary dependencies installed, you should be ready to go! Still in the root directory of the first terminal, run:
npm start
In the second terminal you should still be in the client folder. Please run:
npm start
To launch this application, please visit this link to Heroku - Four Paw's Best Buddies
Emily B. Todt
No tests were included.
Copyright (c) 2021 Emily B. Todt
Licensed under the [MIT license](
Front End - React, Redux, Moment.js, Axios, Javascript, Google Fonts, @Material-UI Back End - Node.js, Express, Mongoose, Javascript, JSON Web Tokens, bcrypt
Reach me on GitHub
Reach me via email at