Creates MXD files from enterprise geodatabase (version 10.x) replicas containing all feature classes and tables. Use when re-creating replicas or for quickly checking replica contents.
After having created numerous MXDs to define which feature classes are included in a replica, I decided to automate it. Use a list of fully qualified replica names for the replica_list variable or use the keyword "ALL" to create MXD files for all replicas in the enterprise geodatabase of interest.
Download and extract Zip file then copy to your Python Lib folder.(C:\Python27\ArcGISx6410.3\Lib) Use in python by importing:
import replica2mxd as r2m
Call function and use by passing the geodatabase connection, MXD output folder, and replica name(s) as parameters: Use 'ALL' keyword for replicas parameter to create MXD files for all replicas in geodatabase:
r2m.replica2mxd('Database Connections\\example-gis-server@gisDatabase@sde.sde', 'C:\\Replicas\\MXDs', 'ALL')
Or use a list of replica names to create MXD files for only those replicas. Must include replica owner in replica names:
r2m.replica2mxd('Database Connections\\example-gis-server@gisDatabase@sde.sde', 'C:\\Replicas\\MXDs', ['SDE.Replica1', 'SDE.Replica2', ...])