This repository contains implementations of various machine learning algorithms I have done from scratch.
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
- Reduce the dimensionality of features space from 30-D to 1-D using Linear Discriminant Analysis algorithm with the goal of keeping the class information intact.
- Dataset used: Breast Cancer Wisconsin Dataset
- Predict the class of iris plant using avilable features, a multi-class classification task.
- Dataset used: Iris
- Segment customers to aid the marketing team and plan streategy accordingly.
- Dataset used: Mall Customer Segmentation Data
- Predict whether a patient has diabetes based on diagnostic measurements.
- Dataset used: Diabetes Dataset
- Predict the quality of wine with the assistance of their physiochemical properties.
- Dataset used: Red Wine Quality
- Predict whether the cancer type is
using Logistic Regression algorithm, and achieved 98% accuracy and 0.97 F1-score and on test set. - Dataset used: Breast Cancer Wisconsin Dataset
- Predict whether the cancer type is
- Apply Simple Moving Average, Commulative Moving Average, Weighted Moving Average, and Exponential Moving Average techniques on Air Quality Index
- Dataset used: Air Quality Data Set
- Classify the cancer type
using Gaussian Naive Bayes algorithm, and achieved 90% accuracy on test set. - Dataset used: Breast Cancer Wisconsin Dataset
- Classify the cancer type
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- Reduce the dimenionsality of face images by approximately 250x using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and regenerate them using basis vectors.
- Dataset used: The Database of Faces (AT&T)
- Demonstrate perceptron failure on non-seprable data.
- Additionally, predict whether a patient has diabetes based on diagnostic measurements.
- Dataset: Diabetes Dataset
- Designed a simple neural network (with forward and backward path) consists of an input layer, an output layer and a hidden layer.
- Mimicking the behaviour of XOR gate.
- Performed Binary classification to predict cancer types
achieving up to 97% accuracy and 0.95 F1-Score on the test set. - Dataset: Breast Cancer Wisconsin Dataset
- Performed Binary classification to predict cancer types