Isilmo is a 2D platformer game which I developed with Unity Engine in 2018.
The player controls the wizard named Isilmo (hence the game's name) and needs to either fight or avoid the enemies he encounters on the way from the one side of the map to the other. The player can attack with primary fireball projectile or alternate lightning strike, regenerate mana and health by picking up potions and increase his game score by picking up coins and diamonds.
Isilmo was my first attempt at game development, pixelart and music writing.
Of course, there's a room for potential improvements:
- add footstep sounds (additional indicator of player's movement),
- add jumping sound,
- add landing on the ground sound,
- replace bomb's sound with something more powerful (it deals a lot of damage),
- the wizard should gain momentum of the moving platform he's standing on,
- the wizard should be temporarily invulnerable after getting hit (similarly to posthumous protection but shorter), so he has a chance to escape the enemy's collision,
- player shouldn't be able to reset double jump by sticking to the side of the platform,
- add some short visual indicator of boss's jump before he does it,
- change Level 4 scene camera so its static and covers the whole area (so you can keep track of boss's movement),
- track different stats throughout the game (like accuracy, picked up items, damage taken etc.) and display them when the game is over,
- more levels!
The game features Arcade Classic font by Pizzadude.
WebGL production build of Isilmo can be played in browser on Netlify.