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David Bannon edited this page Jan 15, 2023 · 61 revisions

tomboy-ng v0.35 Release Page

Don't edit this file, its generated from Releases.note in doc dir, converted to md and processed by releasepage tool.

WARNING: if you used File Sync, previous to v0.34, you must go into Settings->Sync>FileSync and tick the Enable box. Its a new setting and I cannot tell if you have it unticked because its new or because you want it unticked !

Downloads and information for specific platforms further down the page.


Release Notes

    • A better Search all notes capability. Search While You Type, its faster, more convenient and kinder on memory. It does however need a certain amount of CPU to respond between keystrokes, especially if you are a fast typist. You can disable SWYT from the Options button.
    • A better Find with in the open note capability. Again, faster, more convenient and uses less memory.
    • A Ukrainian Translation.
    • You can now stop Ctrl-F (ie Find) from toggling or closing the Find windows if you prefer.
    • You can, optionally, allow the ESC key to close a note.
    • A revised command line with better import capabilities, plain text, RTF and Markdown.
    • Export (plain text, markdown and rtf) from the tools button on the Edit Window.
    • Ctrl-Z (ie Undo) will now revert an errant Date Stamp
    • A number of minor bug fixes.
    • A number of speed up tricks that will help, particularly, users with very large note collections.

Additionally, minor release 0.35a brings -

    • A fix to a problem where you may have problems searching for content in a new note.
    • Added ability to set custom colour of a link.
    • Made the Search Window just a touch more intuitive.
    • Fixed a but that sometimes might prevent your settings for Auto Snapshot not to be saved.


tomboy-ng is available for Linux, Mac and Windows. For Debian derivatives (Ubuntu, Mint, Nean etc), tomboy-ng is available from the normal repositories (note, v0.35 and later will be Qt5 based). However, usually newer releases are available here. Others, please see your operating system below -


Tested on 32bit Windows Vista and 64bit Windows 11. Windows users should download the Windows Installer,, it works for both 32 and 64bit installs. Windows Defender will (quite rightly) tell you it stopped an unrecognised app, warning its risky. Click "More Info" and you will see a "Run Anyway". Now you will be asked if you want to allow an unknown publisher (me!) to change your device. If you do, click yes. Depending on your build of Win11, you may need to go through a process of clicking the More Info link and Run Anyway, possibly through several stages.


Tested on a Mac Sierra Powerbook. Use ( Install by double clicking the .dmg file and drag the tomboy-ng icon into the nearby Applications Folder. Because I don't pay a fee to Apple, first time users will need to control click (that is, hold the Control Key down and click) the tomboy-ng icon in Applications and select "Open".

I am only shipping the 64bit Cocoa version now. I believe I can easily produce an Apple silicon version but as I don't have that hardware, so don't offer it now. If you would like to test an Apple Silicon version, please get in touch.


Linux users need to be a bit careful about which version they download. With quite a range of Distributions, Desktops, 32bit and 64bit and GTK2 v. Qt5 to cater for, its not easy ! The Qt5 version requires Qt5.12 or later and 64bit. The GTK version, GTK2.

PPA using distros, Ubuntu, Linux Mint etc

Ubuntu and derivative users (of 64bit U18.04 and U20.04 to U22.04) can use a PPA to install and update this and subsequent releases of tomboy-ng. Please see for details. Avaible a few days after release here.

For distributions that use .deb packages (but cannot use the PPA), do yourself a favour, install Gdebi before you start. You will not regret it.


Ubuntu 22.4 has tomboy-ng v0.34 available in its repository but v0.35 is new and shiny.

Firstly, consider using the PPA (above). Otherwise, generally, all versions work fine but earlier distributions should use GTK2 and recent ones may use Qt5 based version.

    • 16.04 and 18.04 (while out of date, we still test with tomboy-ng) Use GTK2 version32bit or 64bit. Will not work with QT5.
    • 20.04 Your choice between 64bit QT which needs the Qt5 libraries or the 64bit which needs only a couple of extra things.
    • 22.04 and 22.10 As above but the QT5 version has a problem with Dark Theme.

On Ubuntu, you can install the appropriate package in one of several way -

    • Recommended, install gdebi first. Its available from your normal repos and is easy and reliable. Then download the appropriate tomboy-ng package, your browser will direct it to Gdebi. Strongly recommended for U16.04.
    • Depending on your version, you may be able to download and get directed to another tool to install, perhaps Software Installer, it probably will not work.
    • Thirdly, will work on all except U16.04, click on the appropriate link, download and save the file. Use the following apt command (note the './' in front of the filename, you must explicitly state the location of the file, else apt will look in its own repositories). Adjust the deb name for your specific downloaded file -

Like this -

sudo apt install ./tomboy-ng_0.35-0_amd64.deb [enter]

Linux Mint

LinuxMint 21 has tomboy-ng v0.34 available in its repository but v0.35 is new and shiny.

Firstly, consider using the PPA (Update Manager -> Edit -> Software Sources -> PPAs -> Add => ppa:d-bannon/ppa-tomboy-ng ). Otherwise note I have only tested against 20.1 and 21 Cinnamon with GTK2. And it, 64bit worked perfectly.

Click on the appropriate link from your browser and allow the suggested installer, GDebi, to run the install for you. Linux Mint does report any install errors that happen during this process (unlike some distros!) so its a good approach. Noted that tomboy-ng did not seem to pickup a desktop dark theme but other apps did not either, maybe a VM issue ?

The LMDE, at time of writing is Debian 11 and should all work fine.


Tested on Fedora 36. Generally, on Fedora the GTK2 32bit or GTK2 64bit version is recommended. To install, please click on appropriate link, download and save, then use the yum command, eg -

sudo yum localinstall ./tomboy-ng-0.35-2.x86_64.rpm [enter]

Fedora's default install is based on Gnome and recent Gnome versions block the System Tray icon. Please see . Other flavours of Fedora (eg Plasma, Cinnamon, XFce) all seem happy to display the System Tray Icon.

The QT5 version has a problem with Dark Theme and generates some harmless warnings messages.


An older version of tomboy-ng, v0.32 is available in the Debian Bullseye repository. However, due to changes to Bullseye after it was added to Debian, that version will have problems if you use a Gnome Desktop. Please see . For other Desktops, you can install as you would for other repository applications but the version here is "bigger and better" than 0.32.

For earlier versions of Debian and distros based on them, (e.g, MX Linux 18.x), you will need to use the 32bit or 64bit GTK2 version. Stretch does not have the Qt5 Pascal libraries in its repository. By time you get to Debian 10.4, Qt is, perhaps, a better bet if you are using 64bit. 64bit QT. Note that dark themes work better with the GTK version but Qt5 catches up, somewhat, if you add the --dark-theme switch.

If you wish to sync to a SMB: network share, you probably will need to install gvfs and gvfs-fuse. Tell tomboy-ng that the share (when open) is in something like /run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=greybox,share=store2 (where greybox is the server and store2 the share). Easy to find in the GUI file browser.

QT5 version has a known problem with Dark Theme

I recommend downloading the file and using the apt command (note the full path to the filename, you must explicitly state the location of the file, else apt will look in its own repositories).

sudo apt install ~/Downdloads/tomboy-ng_0.35-0_amd64.deb [enter]    -- note Qt5 version has a slightly different name.

Arch and Manjaro

And other Linux Distributions that use the Arch, Pacman package system. This is new and therefore relatively untested but does look OK. I have made only a GTK 64bit version at this stage, could make other combinations if needed. Click the link, choose download and install with this command from ~/Downloads -

sudo pacman -U ./tomboy-ng-0.35-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst


If you are using the Gnome Desktop, then use the Qt5 64bit version and look at . Other Desktops should be OK with GTK2 32bit or GTK2 64bit. Almost all the necessary libraries seem to be pre installed in either case.

Suse is quite pushy about signing rpm packages, more work for me and it means you need to import the PGP signature I have used. So, please download tomboy-ng-GPG-KEY (you may need to right click and choose "Save Link as") and run this command in the directory you downloaded to, note this is only necessary once -

sudo rpm --import tomboy-ng-GPG-KEY [enter]

Next, to install tomboy-ng, please click on appropriate link, and if it suggests YaST2: Ruby, allow it to install, it works well. If you receive an error message, its almost certainly because you have not yet installed the signature file mentioned above. You may prefer to download and use the zypper command -

sudo zypper install ~/Downloads/tomboy-ngQt-0.35-2-x86_64.rpm [enter]


Mageia warns you if you try to install a package who's signature it does not recognise. You can tell it not to worry and install anyway or, to put its mind at rest, download tomboy-ng-GPGKEY (you may need to right click and choose "Save Link as") and run this command in the directory you downloaded to, note this is only necessary once -

sudo rpm --import tomboy-ng-GPG-KEY [enter]

Then, you can just click on the appropriate tomboy rpm link GTK2 32bit or GTK2 64bit and allow Software Installer to install it for you but I found it occasionally generated an error that you don't get to see ! Try it by all means but if you don't find your tomboy-ng installed or upgraded, then revert to old fashioned way, download the file, save it, and use a command a bit like this -

sudo -c "yum localinstall ./tomboy-ng-0.34-2.x86_64.rpm" [enter]
    • Mate, XFCE, KDE (ie Plasma) and Cinnamon work fine.
    • Mageia with Enlightenment requires you to activate the System Tray, Settings->Modules and then scroll down until you find "System Tray" and enable it. Now, you need to assign the System Tray to a Shelf, open the appropriate Shelf, click Add, find the System Tray and choose it. Sadly, Enlightenment in the GTK variety still has a problem, instead of tomboy-ng's icon, you see a white triangular warning icon. But it works.
    • Mageia Gnome, its likely that the comments relating to Fedora Gnome above apply but have not been tested.

To install, please download and save the file, then use the rpm command, note that rpm seems to require you to uninstall a previous version, doing so will not remove notes or config. Using the Qt version on Mageia is possible if you replace its very dated version of lib64qt6pas1 with the appropriate one from

Raspberry PI

Users of the official Raspberry Pi OS (previously know as Raspbian) can now download a deb and install it using the apt commands mentioned above. Note its 32bit, even if your Raspberry Pi is 64bit the OS is 32bit at present. I have not tested against things like Ubuntu's 64bit OS or the testing Raspberry Pi OS. Download GTK2 32bit

ToDo : New Raspberry Pi OS, 32 and 64 bit do not ship with GTK2 preinstalled. So, I need to change over to use Qt5, the supporting libraries are a much smaller download.

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