Simple database framework [PHP 5.4+
- Crystal::select
Crystal select( mixed $field_1 [, mixed $...] )
- Crystal::insert
Crystal insert( array $assoc [, array $... ])
- Crystal::update
Crystal update( array $assoc )
- Crystal::delete
Crystal delete( void )
The following methods must be chained from a query method
- Crystal::where (chained from
Crystal where( mixed $field, [ string comparison ], mixed $value )
- Crystal::orWhere (chained from
Crystal orWhere( mixed $field, [ string comparison ], mixed $value )
- Crystal::execute
mixed execute ( [ callable $callback ( boolean $error, Array $result, Integer $counter ) ] )
- Settings
First of all, you must enter your data in the configuration file /config/database.json
Here is a list of the settings:
- MySql
- PostgreSql
- MS SQL Server
- Firebird
- Informix
- Cubrid
- Oracle
- DB2
- SQLite
- 4D
All the configuration settings must be wrapped in the "connection" key, as shown below:
"connection" : [{
"driver" : "mysql",
"dbname" : "mydbname",
"hostname" : "",
"user" : "root",
"pass" : ""
Once that you set the configuration file, then you are able to use the api.
- Initialization
use Crystal\main as Crystal;
$DB = new Crystal();
require_once 'src/Crystal.php';
use Crystal\main as Crystal;
$DB = new Crystal();
$insert = $DB->insert(
['nick' => rand(), 'password' => rand(), "country" => "argentina"],
['nick' => rand(), 'password' => rand(), "country" => "argentina"]
//$insert is true or false, depending if the query has been well processed
//update nick when user_id = 1 and nick = 45
$update = $DB->update(['nick' => rand()])->where('user_id', 1)->where('nick', 45)->execute();
//update nick when user_id > 1
$update = $DB->update(['nick' => rand()])->where('user_id', '>', 1)->execute();
//$update is true or false, depending if the query has been well processed
//Select have a callback with the data
$DB->select('nick', 'user_id')->where('user_id', '>=', 5)->limit(10)->execute( function ( $error, Array $collection, $counter ) {
if ( !$error ) {
//The data as array
//The data length
else {
//$select is false if the query goes wrong or an array with the data
$select = $DB->select('nick', 'user_id')->where('user_id', '>=', 5)->limit(10)->execute();
//Delete is true or false, depending if the query is well processed
$delete = $DB->delete()->where('nick', 'tomasito')->where('user_id', '>', 15)->execute();
var_dump( $delete );
Here is a list of the future implementations of the API:
Chainning in any combination- Transaction methods
- Custom queries
- Extended SQL syntax (
join, using, on, ...
) - Process stored procedures
- Cache options
- read and write connections
Boolean values inwhere()
- Error handling
NamespacesBetter file organization- Autoload classes
- More sql implementations (
create user, set grant, create database, truncate table, delete database, ...
If you have any doubts or want to help, please contact me