Ab-inbev messaging solutions proposal
First off, you should install Azure CLI, serverless, JDK, Maven and terraform locally:
Assuming you have permissions, login into Azure using your credentials simply running az login
Once you have done all previous steps, go ahead and deploy the azure functions that will act as webhooks to process Event Grid events:
$ cd webhooks/
$ sls plugin install --name serverless-azure-functions # install serverless plugin for azure functions
$ sls deploy # publish functions
Wait a few minutes and you should see your endpoints URLs in the console; copy these endpoint because you'll need the reference later on The look like the following lines:
Serverless: Deployed serverless functions:
Serverless: -> always-succeeds: [POST] sls-...azurewebsites.net/api/always-succeeds
Serverless: -> sometimes-fails: [POST] sls-...azurewebsites.net/api/sometimes-fails
Now go to infrastructure/
folder and open up main.tf
and update the lines and using Serlverless' output as shown above. Then create the resources typing
$ cd ../infrastructure
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply
Then wait a couple of minutes until and copy the output value of "sas_url_query_string"
, which looks like sv=...&ss=q&srt=o&sp=####&se=2020-12-25&st=2020-08-30&spr=https&sig=...%.....%3D
. Copy that string and change Spring's application configuration. Go to services/src/main/resources/
, open up applications.properties
and then replace <sas_token>
with the previous output.
Now you should generate the jar file to publish/consume messages. Go to services
root folder and type
$ mvn clean package
$ cd ./target
$ java -jar messaging-poc-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
You're all set. You can use the exposed resources to publish messages.
HTTP Method | Resource | Expected payload | Description |
/hook/sb/message |
right-aligned | MessageSchema |
Service bus message producer |
/hook/sq/message |
right-aligned | MessageSchema |
Storage queue message producer |
/hook/eg/event |
centered | EventSchema |
Event grid event publisher |
"messageId": String,
"employeeId": String,
"employeeType": enum ["DIRECT" | "OUTSOURCE"]
"eventId": String,
"employeeId": String,
"employeeType": enum ["DIRECT" | "OUTSOURCE"]