- Created all-in-one branch which bundles all the external depending libraries
- Supported Allegro CL 8.1
- Updated to use my-util v0.0.5 (for Allegro CL)
- Separated sml files for pages generated by genpages from the others
- Updated tutorials (especially part9)
- Made the oid parameter of edit-page as not optional
- Modified documentations
- Fixed to not to destroy a continuation after calling it (for back buttons)
- Removed the test macro
- Fixed to not to export 'http-* except 'http-test-*
- Added tutorial part 8, 9 and 10
- Wrote integration tests with using http-* functions and macros
- Added src/http.lisp: http-* functions and macros
- Updated the version of sml to use from v0.1.4 to v0.1.5
- Added hide-slot-p
- Wrote more unit tests
- Bug fixes (see git log for detail)
- Updated documentations and tutorial
- Fixed to redirect to the login-page instead of regist-page when users access an auth page
- Renamed the class from user-class to user*
- Updated to use my-util v0.1.4 (for hooks functions)
- Updated to use sml v0.1.4 (for nl->br)
- Wrote documentations and tutorial in English and Japanese
- Rewrote README and CHANGELOG in markdown syntax
- Added renew-cont-lifetime
- Renamed defpages to genpages
- Updated to use my-util version 0.0.3 (asdf-version)
- Updated to delete uploaded files when dropping an instance
- Bug fix in labels for radio and checkbox input forms
- Fixed to generate valid (x)html except js validation attributes. Now works with IE and Safari.
- Bug fix in mime-type function for image types
- Bug fixes
- Implemented list sorting which works without js
- Added prev-link like "<<" and next-link like ">>" in pager
- Change the data store type in examples and tests from postgresql with clsql to BDB
- Added wiki example
- Redefined (index|show|edit)-page as macros. Now we can pass a sml file to load.
- Bug fix: asynchronous uniquness validation of a user id
- Bug fix: get-slot-by-id for a inherited slot
- Renamed slot-hide to slot-hide-for. Now we can use regexp to specify which pages to hide a slot.
- Implemented a way to set/change links-per-page and items_per_page
- Changed the default encoding from latin1 to utf-8
- Bug fix in calculating page links offset
- Implemented asynchronous item deletion
- Separated js written in sml files into js files
- Implemented js pager
- Renamed scaffold to page(s)
- Implemented asynchronous updating a list of instances with ajax
- Updated CSS for better design
- Added the "slot-type" slot in "slot-options" class
- Added a default value support of parameters for page-lambda
- Renamed slot-type to slot-format and made it possible to set the real slot type
- Bug fix in the asynchronous uniquness validation
- Updated to display pluralized class name
- Updated to use the inflector package
- Added javascript regexp validation
- Implemented asynchronous uniquness validation
- Added jquery.date.js to manipulate date select options
- Bug fix in get-instance-by-oid
- Implemented javascript client side validation
- Renamed names of checkbox inputs from "${id}_${option}" to "${id}[]"
- Updated to export all elephant's exported symbols (except defpclass)
- Renamed slot-id from "${slot}" to "${class}_${slot}"
- Updated the codes where using with-sml-file macro according to sml v0.1.1
- Added web4r default page
- Renamed nullable to required, and must_mark to required_mark
- Separated sml codes from lisp files into sml files
- Better design with CSS
- Updated to use create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler and default-handler
- Added src/specials.lisp
- Bug fixes
- Updated to use sml instead of shtml
- Updated to use my-util package
- Replaced web4r-server with hunchentoot
- Comprehensive refactoring
- Divided shtml into another system
- Implemented a code walker to expand last-post
- Added debug-mode
- Implemented cont-session
- Added :default optional parameter for defpage
- Finished writing unit tests
- Bug fixes (There were many. See git log for detail)
- Fixed a bug in library dependencies
- Fixed to specify the source path automatically
- Initial public release