- Type:
- Channels:
- R (red) from 0 to 1
- G (green) from 0 to 1
- B (blue) from 0 to 1
RGB is probably the most commonly known color space. In computers, you might often see the three channels ranging from 0 to 255 (8 bits per channel, 24 bits total). However, in Colourful, the RGB color channels range from 0 to 1.
// red
var c1 = new RGBColor(0.937, 0.2, 0.251);
var c2 = RGBColor.FromRGB8Bit(239, 51, 64);
var c3 = RGBColor.FromColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(239, 51, 64));
// gray
var c4 = new RGBColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
var c5 = RGBColor.FromGray(0.5);
// white
var c6 = new RGBColor(1, 1, 1);
// black
var c7 = new RGBColor(0, 0, 0);
It's important to realize that there isn't only one RGB. There are, in fact, multiple RGB color spaces. In Colourful, there is a single RGBColor
type, and then during conversion, you can specify a so-called "RGB working space". In digital applications, the most commonly used on is the sRGB color space. However, there are more, e.g. Adobe RGB (1998), Apple RGB, NTSC RGB, Wide Gamut RGB.
RGB working space consists of three ingredients:
- White point
- Companding function
- Chromaticity of the red, green, and blue primaries
Each RGB working space has a reference white point. For example, sRGB has D65, the Wide Gamut RGB has slightly warmer D50, etc.
To get the white point of the working space:
RGBWorkingSpace workingSpace = RGBWorkingSpaces.sRGB;
XYZColor whitePoint = workingSpace.WhitePoint; // corresponds to D65
A companding function (ICompanding
) is used to convert between RGBColor
and LinearRGBColor
and back. This is a necessary part of the conversion process.
Many working spaces use the simple GammaCompanding
function with a specified gamma. Some working spaces use a different specialized equation, e.g. LCompanding
, Rec2020Companding
, Rec709Companding
, or sRGBCompanding
If you want to implement a custom RGB working space, you can either pick one of the built-in companding functions, or implement the ICompanding
The RGB working space has three so-called "primaries": red, green, and blue. Each of those primaries is defined by a xy chromaticity.
For example, the sRGB working space is defined as follows:
var sRGB = new RGBWorkingSpace(
new sRGBCompanding(),
new RGBPrimaries(
new xyChromaticity(x: 0.6400, y: 0.3300),
new xyChromaticity(x: 0.3000, y: 0.6000),
new xyChromaticity(x: 0.1500, y: 0.0600)
Where the sRGBCompanding
looks as follows:
public double ConvertToLinear(in double x)
=> x <= 0.04045 ? x / 12.92 : Math.Pow((x + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
public double ConvertToNonLinear(in double x)
=> x <= 0.0031308 ? 12.92 * x : 1.055 * Math.Pow(x, 1 / 2.4d) - 0.055;
Colourful comes with many predefined RGB working spaces. To access those, see the RGBWorkingSpaces
static class.
In most cases, you'll probably want to use RGBWorkingSpaces.sRGB
, which is also the default if you don't specify any.
- Type:
- Channels:
- R (red) from 0 to 1
- G (green) from 0 to 1
- B (blue) from 0 to 1
// red
var c1 = new LinearRGBColor(0.863, 0.0331, 0.0513);
// gray
var c4 = new LinearRGBColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
var c5 = LinearRGBColor.FromGray(0.5);
// white
var c6 = new LinearRGBColor(1, 1, 1);
// black
var c7 = new LinearRGBColor(0, 0, 0);
Linear RGB is almost the same color space as the RGB above. The only difference is that it was already adjusted via the companding function (see above).
Due to the linear intensity of the linear RGB space, it is more useful for any sort of blending/shading applications. That is because when you use basic mathematic operations like adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying, averaging, etc., these work better if the intensity is linear.
If you intend to do any sort of custom math operations with an RGB color, you should probably use the linear RGB color space. Usually, you'd start with sRGB, then convert to linear RGB, do the computation, and then convert back.
In the following example, this approach is demonstrated via blending two colors:
The blending is done simply by averaging the corresponding channels.
If the blending would be done in RGBColor
, the resulting color would be #800080 .
However, if we convert to LinearRGB
, perform the computation there, and then convert out, we get #BC00BC , which more closely corresponds to the actual perceived average between the two colors.
RGBColor color1 = RGBColor.FromRGB8Bit(255, 0, 0);
RGBColor color2 = RGBColor.FromRGB8Bit(0, 0, 255);
var rgbToLinear = new ConverterBuilder().FromRGB().ToLinearRGB().Build();
LinearRGBColor linear1 = rgbToLinear.Convert(color1);
LinearRGBColor linear2 = rgbToLinear.Convert(color2);
var linearBlend = new LinearRGBColor(
(linear1.R + linear2.R) / 2,
(linear1.G + linear2.G) / 2,
(linear1.B + linear2.B) / 2
var linearToRgb = new ConverterBuilder().FromLinearRGB().ToRGB().Build();
RGBColor blend = linearToRgb.Convert(linearBlend);
blend.ToRGB8Bit(out var r, out var g, out var b); // (188, 0, 188) instead of (128, 0, 128)
If you are converting from a different color space with a wider/narrower gamut, or do any sort of other computation, you could end up with a value that's outside of the expected range from 0 to 1.
You can use the .Clamp()
or the .NormalizeIntensity()
utilities to make sure the values fall into the expected range. For more information, see the dedicated page about this.
In .NET, you might often come across the System.Drawing.Color
type that also corresponds to RGB colors.
The RGBColor
can integrate with System.Drawing.Color
very well.
You can either use the .FromColor()
or .ToColor()
utilities, or alternatively, you can use the conversions.
The RGBColor
to System.Drawing.Color
type coercion is implicit, which means that if you have a function that accepts System.Drawing.Color
, you can use RGBColor
instead without any hassle.
The System.Drawing.Color
to RGBColor
type coercion is explicit, which means that if you have a function that accepts RGBColor
, you can use a System.Drawing.Color
value if you add the (RGBColor)
explicit conversion.
Because you'll often deal with RGB colors with the range of 0 to 255, there are two utilities to help you deal with this: RGBColor.FromRGB8Bit(r, g, b)
and .ToRGB8Bit(out var r, out var g, out var b)
In case you're dealing with a gray value, you can use the .FromGray()
utility that will set all three channels to the same value.
This utility is available for both RGBColor
and LinearRGBColor
When converting between RGBColor
and any other color space, it always goes through the LinearRGBColor
When converting between LinearRGBColor
and any other color space, it goes through the XYZ color space.
Note that if you don't specify an RGB working space, the RGBWorkingSpaces.sRGB
will be used by default.
- http://blog.johnnovak.net/2016/09/21/what-every-coder-should-know-about-gamma/
- Computer Color is Broken (YouTube)
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12524623/what-are-the-practical-differences-when-working-with-colors-in-a-linear-vs-a-no
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGB_color_space
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGB_color_model
- http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?WorkingSpaceInfo.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_correction