- Init server + controllers for endpoints
- Typescript fetch functions with type-checked payloads for generated endpoints
- SQL files with tables and queries for controllers ( Postgres )
from one config file.
I'm still figuring out how to do stuff better, so if there's a new release where the y
in x.y.z
the version ( tag ) is incremented, that means that there are breaking changes. The current versions work, but there's a lot of improvements that can be done to make stuff better.
Either create a custom config file with the frontend editor or copy one of the config file from examples dir
Install gomarvin
# install the binary
go install
# or clone the repo and run go run main.go
git clone
- run gomarvin
# run this in the same dir as the config file, if the name of the config is "gomarvin.json"
gomarvin generate
# run this if custom config file name or path
gomarvin -config="PATH_TO_CONFIG" generate
# optionally generate the golang struct -> typescript interface converters
gomarvin -gut=true generate
- run lower commands
go mod tidy
go mod download
go run cmd/api/main.go
-config Specify path to the gomarvin config file (default "gomarvin.json")
-dangerous-regen Regenerate everything. If set to true, init server will be regenerated and all previous changes will be lost (default "false")
-gut generate additional file in the modules dir which concats all of the functions that convert possible response structs to typescript interfaces
// import the generated file
import * as gomarvin from "../../../chi_with_modules/public/gomarvin";
// or just import a single fetch function
import { GetUserById } from "../../../chi_with_modules/public/gomarvin";
// either use the default client created from
// the settings of the config file, or create a new one
// (useful when switching environments)
const defaultClient = gomarvin.defaultClient;
// api client when deployed
const productionClient: gomarvin.Client = {
host_url: "",
api_prefix: "/api/v1",
headers: {
"Content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
const DEV_MODE = true;
// switch to productionClient if DEV_MODE is false
const client = DEV_MODE ? defaultClient : productionClient;
// fetch GetUserById endpoint
async function FetchGetUsersById() {
const res = await gomarvin.GetUserById(client, 10);
// append optional string to the existing endpoint url
async function FetchEndpointWithAppendedUrl() {
const res = await gomarvin.GetUserById(client, 10, {
append_url: "?name=jim",
// define custom options for the fetch request
async function FetchEndpointWithCustomOptions() {
const res = await gomarvin.GetUserById(client, 10, {
options: { method: "POST" },
// Use both optional values
// - append a string to the fetch url
// - define a new options object used in the fetch request
async function FetchWithAppendedUrlAndCustomOptions() {
const res = await gomarvin.GetUserById(client, 10, {
options: { method: "DELETE" },
append_url: "?name=jim",
import gomarvin as gomarvin
# use the default localhost client
client = gomarvin.defaultClient
# fetch get users by id endpoint
def get_users_by_id():
res = gomarvin.UserEndpoints(client).GetUserById(1)
# make a post request to the register user endpoint with a body
def register_user():
body = gomarvin.CreateUserBody(
username="jim", password="very-long-password", email="")
res = gomarvin.UserEndpoints(client).CreateUser(body=body)
# append a string to the url
def get_users_with_params():
data = gomarvin.UserEndpoints(client).GetUsers(append_url="?name=jim")
Gin crashes by default. This is due to the way the framework handles routing.
bugs caused by url params and routing should be fixed manually.
Seeding the db
- As the generated fetch functions are mapped to the endpoints, you can use them to seed the database pretty easily. Using deno with the faker package can make the process trivial.
If formatting does not work for some reason, run this
gofmt -s -w .
Using the tool to generate fetch functions for pre-existing REST APIs
- If you want to generate a client for an already existing REST API in a fast way, you can use the editor to document the needed values to codegen the fetch functions in a fast way
If there are errors after creating a new config file, submit an issue. There might be some edge cases that have not been tested yet.
Not installed locally to avoid any dependencies.