List selected image URLs in the Asset Library.
- 0.3.1
- Not Applicable
- Add code from file asset library selected image urls.bookmarklet as the URL for a bookmark in your browser named Asset Library Selected Image URLs.
Go to the Assest Library.
Select some images.
Select the Asset Library Selected Image URLs bookmark. A new window/tab should appear with a list of selected image URLs.
Wikipedia has a nice entry on bookmarklet.
The code attempts to open a new window/tab with a listing of selected Asset Library image URLs. If you are using a pop-up or ad blocker, you will need to allow pop-ups for each site where you use the bookmarklet. If you select a large number of images, it can take a moment for the window/tab with the URLs to populate.
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- fix for Asset Library page check because of recent change SS made
- bumped version to 0.3.1
- added Asset Library page check
- added support for grid layout
- bumped version to 0.3.0
- added a list layout check
- bumped version to 0.2.2
- added some debugging code
- bumped version to 0.2.1
- alert when no images selected
- bumped version to 0.2.0
- do not use document.write
- bumped version to 0.1.2
- fix for returning non-image urls
- bumped version to 0.1.1
- initial version