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File metadata and controls

69 lines (51 loc) · 2.39 KB


A small library for localizing a static website on the client


  • Store translations as json files (one per language).
  • Preferred language saved in localStorage.
  • Fetched translations are cached in SessionStorage.
  • Initial html content cached as default language (using lang attribute as language).
    • This avoids having the default language as a json file.
    • See known issues below when doing this (👁 line breaks in markup).


  <html lang="en">

  <p data-l10n-key="hello-msg">Hello World!</p>

  <script type="module">
    import { useL10n } from ".../use-l10n.js";

    const [getUILanguage, getPreferredLanguage, setLanguage] = useL10n(/* config here */);

    getUILanguage() === 'en'; // true
     1. Fetches './l10n/es.json'
     2. Translates UI => Will search value for key 'hello-msg' in es.json
     3. Updates `rootElement` with correct `lang` attribute
    document.querySelector('p').innerText === 'Hola Mundo!'; // true
    document.querySelector('html').lang === 'es'; // true


Default config

You can override this providing an object with the new options: useL10n({config-override}).

  filesPath = './l10n/', // => fetch('./l10n/{language}.json')
  dataAttrName = 'data-l10n-key', // i.e. <p data-l10n-key="...">
  localStorageKeyName = 'language', // i.e. {language: 'xx'}
  sessionCacheKeyPrefix = 'l10n', // i.e. {l10n-es: JSON.encode(dictionary)}
  rootElement = document.documentElement, // <html>
  missingTranslationText = 'MISSING_TRANSLATION',
  defaultLanguage = navigator.language?.split('-')[0],

Known issues

  • When saving presented HTML content as default language in session storage, as per specs, calling innerText on not-visible nodes will behave as calling textContent. This can produce unwanted line breaks in the stored json, affecting the default language when switching to it again during a session. As a work around, if using the HTML as source of truth for the default language, make sure the markup line breaks match the visually intended ones.


  • v1.x (branch v1)
    • Handle simple text translations based on language.
    • Handle localization for dates, punctuation, currency, etc.
    • Handle plurals / dinamic content.