In this repository, we provide almost-orthogonal arrays (AOAs) constructed through algebraic construction (AC), integer programming (IP) and two-staged local search (TS). An extra folder with previously constructed arrays (EXT) is also provided for comparison. See the paper "Almost Orthogonal Arrays: Theory and Search Three Ways" (arXiv:2406.19516) by Luis Martínez, María Merino, Juan Manuel Montoya, Josué Tonelli-Cueto for more details.
Each array is given as a .dat file and organized into four folders (according to the construction method): AC (Algebraic Construction), EXT (from the Literature), IP (Integer Programming), and TS (Two-Staged Local Search). Each file has the format
All our constructions were done using the computational cluster ARINA from IZO-SGI, SGIker, at the University of the Basque Country.