The repository contains example code from the paper How to Differentiate Collective Variables in Free Energy Codes: Computer-Algebra Code Generation and Automatic Differentiation, 10.1016/j.cpc.2018.02.017, illustrating two approaches to automated gradient computation for collective variables in PLUMED.
It is a fork of the PLUMED 2 repository ( taken at
release v2.5.1. The new code is contained in submodules (directories)
named src/curvature_codegen
(code generation approach from symbolic
expressions by SymPy) and src/curvature_autodiff
differentiation approach with the Stan Math library). Example files
with regression tests are provided in the directories
and regtest/curvature_autodiff
respectively. The rest of PLUMED 2 repository is unchanged.
Depending on how you obtained this archive, you have either a full PLUMED distribution, or just the new directories; in the latter case, you should merge them manually (or clone the full repository ).
If you are using GIT, the Stan Math library is referenced as a submodule: it will be automatically downloaded if you clone the repository with the --recursive option, or (after clone)
git submodule update --init --recursive
If not found, the above command will be performed as part of the build process. To test, on most common machines the following instructions should get you started. After extracting the distribution:
make -j4
You may use the supplied C++ files as templates to implement your own CVs. The modules can be enabled or disabled independently, as follows:
./configure --enable-modules=+curvature_codegen:-curvature_autodiff
The notebook generating the "core" functions calculating the gradient
is in src/curvature_codegen/sympy_codegen directory. To regenerate the
code, execute the CurvatureCodegen.ipynb
file (you will need Sympy,
available from; the easiest way to install it is via
The example CV defines the keywords CURVATURE_CODEGEN
To test:
cd regtest/curvature_codegen/rt-m2 # Or any other of the examples
../../../src/lib/plumed driver --plumed plumed.dat --ixyz
The above test calculates the radius of curvature at several consecutive triplets of atoms along a spiral (see COLVAR).
Building the curvature_autodiff
source files requires the Stan Math
library (available at; tested with
release 2.16). Depending on your system, you may need to adjust
Makefile paths.
The example CV defines the keyword CURVATURE_AUTODIFF
To test:
cd regtest/curvature_autodiff/rt-1 # Or any other of the examples
../../../src/lib/plumed driver --plumed plumed.dat --ixyz
Note that regtest/curvature_autodiff/rt-2
for comparison.