This is the first page of my mobile setup porfolio project. It contains my name and a brief description of me.
- CSS3
To get a local copy up and running, do the following steps:
- A text editor
- Git and github setup.
On your terminal, navigate to your current directory and run this code: git clone
Then run: cd final-portfolio
Open the project in your favourite code editor. You can use "code ." for VS Code.
On your terminal,
👤 Tonny Tei -Github: @teitonny -Twiter: @TonnyTei -linkedIn: TonnyTei
👤 Abdifatah
- GitHub: @AbdifatahYasin1
- Twitter: @CabdifataaxYuusuf
- LinkedIn: Cabdifataax Yaasiin
Contributions, issues, and features requests are welcome. Feel free to send me an email @
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
Thanks to microverse for teaching me how to write codes.
This project is MIT licensed.