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NFT Bag Checker: Your On-chain NFT Data

This code pulls on-chain NFT data for a given wallet address or ENS name.

The raw json data is normalized using pandas.json_normalize function and some simple analysis ran on the data based on the following user questions:

  • How many SPAM and non-SPAM NFTs do I own?

  • What percentage of each token type (i.e. ERC721/ERC1155/UNKNOWN) do I own?

There's an option to download your data as well, if you like!

Here's an example of NFTs held by vitalik.eth as of 8/12/2022

NFTs held by vitalik.eth

Installation Steps

My system setup:

  • windows machine; windows guy here! (you can easily look up the equivalent commands for the systems you're working with)
  • python 3.10.2 version

Clone the repository:

git clone

Go into the directory.

cd on_chain_nft_data

You have the option of running this app on the command line or opening it up in your favorite IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Whichever option you choose, make sure to follow configure the below correctly.

This next step is CRUCIAL, make sure to follow the instructions carefully

Navigate to the file named .env_example and:

- Rename ".env_example" file to ".env"

- Add your in between the quotes; ALCHEMY_API_KEY ="YOUR_ALCHEMY_API_KEY_GOES_HERE"

- Save the file!

Get your API here if you don't have one Alchemy API Key

Setup a virtual environment by running the following commands in your windows terminal:

  • This will create a on-chain-nft-data/venv folder.
python -m venv venv
  • Activate venv with the following command (different variations depending on your OS(Operating System))
  • Add venv to your .gitignore file if not added already.

You can tell the environment is active by looking at your terminal prompt. It will look something of the sort. Note the venv part:

(venv) computer:on_chain_data user$

Install the dependencies required to run the program by running this command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the program on the Command Line

Change directory into app folder to run the program as such;

  • Change directory to app
cd app

Run the program;


After you're through and ready to close the terminal, deactivate the virtual environment by typing he following command;


Running the program on Jupyter Notebook

Alternatively, if you would like to play with the app in Jupyter Notebook, navigate to the root of the directory and type the following commands in your terminal/command line;

  • Running the following command will create a kernel that can be used to run jupyter notebook commands inside the virtual environment.
ipython kernel install --user --name=venv
  • Open Jupyter Notebook.
jupyter notebook

This assumes you have Jupyter Notebook configured in yor system, if not, consider downloading Anaconda

For the jupyter notebook, run the cell using Ctrl + Enter or using the run button on the UI.

Improvements & Next Steps

More info in this file.


  • The query for owners with a lot of NFTs is taking a couple of minutes to run, here's stats for running vitalik.eth

    Execution time: ~ 3 minutes 30 seconds
    Total NFTs (at time of query): 20937 
  • The latency could be improved by implementing concurrency.


On Chain NFT Data using Alchemy RPC








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