This is ionic app.
- nodejs 5+
- bower
- ionic 1.3.1+
- cordova 6+
- git
- gulp(Install gulp globally with command
npm install -g gulp-cli
) You must also install java, android sdk for android platform, xcode for ios platform.
Edit configuration in config.json
, You can use environment variable BUILD_ENV to load configurations for different environments.
Following variables can be configured:
the version of appAPI_TITLE
the title of appAPI_URL
the url of api serverAPI_TOKEN
the api token
Please deploy backend codes through guides in backend.
I recommend you to test codes under Mac to test with ios and android platform easily.
Please make sure to configure url of api server rightly in config.json
Please update global ionic,cordova to latest version with npm install -g cordova ionic
For example this is known bug that has been fixed since ios4.1.0 ios bug.
In the main project folder, run the following commands:
npm i
# must exists git in path
bower install or gulp install
ionic state reset --plugins
gulp inject
#verify codes by browser
ionic serve
#command for android
ionic platform add android
ionic build android
# test on emulate or real device
ionic emulate android or ionic run android
#command for ios
ionic platform ios
ionic build ios
# test on emulate or real device
ionic emulate ios or ionic run ios
##modular It will use gulp to load modules.You can put modules in src/components, root directory of module may exist menu_{index}.html(index is order of side menu) to show as menu. You can also exist css or configuration files in modules.
If you delete entire directory from src/components you must run gulp
again to make sure changes work.
It wiletect and load js,css from bowser.json properly, you only need to inject angular modules with environment variable ANGULAR_MODULES, currently it has default value 'ionic','ngResource','ya.nouislider'.