Version 0.2.1
HDT-Voice is a plugin for Hearthstone Deck Tracker that allows you to play
the game and navigate the menus using simple voice commands.
Hearthstone Deck Tracker is available from:
To install, simply copy HDT-Voice.dll into your Hearthstone Deck Tracker plugins
folder, then right click and select Properties and check "Unblock" at the bottom
of the panel.
Once you have installed the DLL file, open Hearthstone Deck Tracker and go to the
Options menu. Select Plugins, then select HDT-Voice and click "Enable".
Click the "Configure" button to select the audio device that HDT-Voice will use
to receive voice commands (NYI: default audio device only), as well as adjust the threshold for voice recognition.
Once you've completed the above steps, next time you load Hearthstone you should
see "HDT-Voice: Listening..." in the upper left hand corner of the window. That
means that everything has worked and you should now be able to use voice commands
in Hearthstone!
Menu Navigation
Main Menu
- Play - Solo (NYI) - Arena (NYI) - Brawl (no deck editor)Play Menu
- "Basic", "Custom" and "Deck 1-9" to select deck - "Casual", "Ranked" for game type - "Start Game" to start the game - "Cancel" to cancel the opponent finder - "Back" to go backBrawl Menu
- "Start Brawl" to start brawl - "Cancel" to cancel the opponent finder - "Back" to go backPlaying the Game
You can refer to a card or minion as either "card x" or "minion x", or you
can use it's name. If there are multiple with the same name, they will be
numbered as they are ordered in the game, i.e. "Wisp 1", "Wisp 2" from left
to right.
In Game Commands
"click <card>"
"click confirm"