Releases: topher-au/HDT-Voice
Version 0.6 Release
What's new in this release?
- Added Smooth cursor movement option
- Added Push-to-Talk hotkey
- Updated the configuration UI to use MahApps.Metro theme
- Added settings option to Plugins menu from Hearthstone Deck Tracker
- Other miscellaneous bugfixes
Version 0.5
What is HDT-Voice?
HDT-Voice is a plugin for Hearthstone Deck Tracker that allows you to play the game and navigate the menus using simple voice commands.
What's new in this version
- Toggle the plugin on and off using the F12 key
- Lots of additions to the grammar table, see below.
- Bugfixes
Requirements and Download
The requirements for HDT-Voice are as follows:
Installation Instructions
- Download and extract the HDT-Voice plugin file from above
- Copy it into the Hearthstone Deck Tracker\plugins folder
- Right click HDT-Voice.dll and click properties
![An image of the Windows Explorer context menu for HDT-Voice.dll](
- At the bottom of the properties windows, check "Unblock" to allow Windows to run the plugin
![An image of the Windows Explorer properties pane showing the Unblock checkbox](
- Load up Hearthstone Deck Tracker and select options at the top of the window
![An image showing where to find the options button](
- Choose plugins on the left and the select HDT-Voice and move the slider to enable the plugin
![A view of the Hearthstone Deck Tracker settings window](
- Click Settings to change some basic settings
![The Settings window for HDT-Voice](
- If all has gone successfully, you should now see "HDT-Voice: Listening... on your Hearthstone Deck Tracker overlay
Menu Mode
Since it is impossible to tell which menu the game is on, all of the following commands are available at any time.
Main Menu
Command | Action |
play | Open play mode menu |
solo | Open solo adventures menu |
arena | Open Arena menu |
brawl | Open Tavern Brawl menu |
open packs | Open card packs |
Play Menu
Command | Action |
deck 1-9 | Select which deck to use |
basic | Switch to basic decks |
custom | Switch to custom decks |
ranked | Switch to Ranked play |
casual | Switch to Casual play |
start game | Start game with current settings |
Arena Menu
Command | Action |
cancel arena | Close the purchase arena screen |
buy arena with gold | Purchase arena run with gold |
hero 1-3 | Select hero |
choose | Confirm hero selection |
card 1-3 | Draft cards |
start arena | Begin Arena run |
Brawl Menu
Command | Action |
start brawl | Start brawl |
Opening card packs
Command | Action |
open top pack | Open card pack |
open bottom pack | Open card pack |
open card 1-5 | Open card (clockwise from top) |
done | Close pack |
Game Mode
Key | Replace with... |
<card> | A card number or name (e.g. "2", "Sludge Belcher", "4") |
<friendly> | A friendly minion name or number ("minion 4", "Kel'thuzad"), or "hero/face" |
<enemy> | An enemy minion name or number ("minion 6", "Dr. Boom"), or "hero/face" |
<target> | A target minion or hero, prefixed by whether they are friendly or enemy (i.e. "my face", "enemy hero") |
Other synonyms
Word | Also use... |
friendly | my |
enemy | opposing, opponent |
hero | face |
Command | Action |
click <card> | Toggle card for mulligan |
click confirm | Confirm selection |
During Play
Cursor and targeting
Command | Action |
target <target> | Moves the cursor to the target ("target friendly minion 3") |
target card <card> | Targets the specified card in your hand |
click <target> | Clicks on the specified target ("click my face") |
click | Sends a click to the current cursor location |
cancel | Sends a right click |
Using your Hero Power
Command | Action |
hero power (on <target>) | Use your hero power |
<hero power name> (on <target>) | Use your hero power |
Playing minions from hand
Command | Action |
play <card> | Plays a minion to the right side of the board |
<card> on/to <target> | Plays a minion to the left of the specified friendly target |
Playing spells from hand
Command | Action |
play <card> | Uses the spell card |
<card> on/to <target> | Uses the spell card on the specified target |
Attacking with minions
Command | Action |
attack <enemy> with <friendly> | ("Attack face with minion 3") |
<friendly> go <enemy> | As above, but shorter ("Huffer go face!") |
Selecting card options
Command | Action |
choose option <x> of <y> | When presented with y options, select option x |
Sending emotes
Command | Action |
say <emote> | hello/greetings, oops, sorry, threaten, well played, thanks/thankyou |
Please check that your default audio device is set to the microphone used for speech recognition and restart Hearthstone Deck Tracker. You may also want to adjust the threshold level in the settings window (available from within the HDT plugins panel)
If you don't have a compatible speech recognition engine installed, you will need one. This can be enabled through your Windows settings.
You can also enable the debug log and send it to me, it might help!
Version 0.5a
Pre-release version to hopefully iron out some Speech Recognition engine bugs, full details later
Fixed a crash caused by Grammars not reloading before the speech recognition is started
Version 0.4.2
What is HDT-Voice?
HDT-Voice is a plugin for Hearthstone Deck Tracker that allows you to play the game and navigate the menus using simple voice commands.
What's new in this version
- Hero power may now also be called by it's name, i.e. "Armor Up" or "Lesser Heal"
- Plugin will (hopefully) be better at keeping track of which card and minion is where
Sounds good, how do I get it?
The latest version of HDT-Voice will always be available here:
Since HDT-Voice is a plugin for Hearthstone Deck Tracker, you'll also need to download and configure it before you are able to use HDT-Voice.
Hearthstone Deck Tracker is available from:
OK, I got the download, now what?
To install, simply copy HDT-Voice.dll into your Hearthstone Deck Tracker plugins folder, then right click and select Properties and check "Unblock" at the bottom of the panel.
Once you have installed the DLL file, open Hearthstone Deck Tracker and go to the Options menu. Select Plugins, then select HDT-Voice and click "Enable".
Click the "Configure" button to select the audio device that HDT-Voice will use to receive voice commands (NYI: default audio device only), as well as adjust the threshold for voice recognition.
Once you've completed the above steps, next time you load Hearthstone you should see "HDT-Voice: Listening..." in the upper left hand corner of the window. That means that everything has worked and you should now be able to use voice commands in Hearthstone!
I've done all that, now how do I attack face?!
Good thing you asked! The first thing you need to know is that the plugin operates in two different modes: menu mode and game mode.
Menu Mode
From the main menu you will probably want to say...
- "Play"
- "Solo" (NYI)
- "Arena" (NYI)
- "Brawl" (no deck editor)
If you're at the Play menu/deck selection screen, you might want to say...
- "Basic", "Custom" or"Deck 1-9" to select deck
- "Casual" or "Ranked" for game type
- "Start Game" to start the game
- "Cancel" to cancel the opponent finder
- "Back" to go back
Or maybe the plugin thought you said "brawl", in which case say...
- "Start Brawl" to start brawl
- "Cancel" to cancel the opponent finder
- "Back" to go back
Game Mode
When referring to a card or minion, you may refer to it by it's name or by it's number.
- <card> - a card name or number ("card 1", "card 2", "Sludge Belcher", "Armorsmith 2")
- <friendly> - a friendly minion ("minion 3", "Sludge Belcher 2")
- <enemy> - an enemy minion
- <target> - a target, specify which side ("friendly minion 4", "enemy hero")
The first thing you do when you start a game of Hearthstone is mulligan a card (or all of them). To do so, say one of the following:
- "click <card>" ("click 2", "click Dr. Boom")
- "click confirm"
Once the game has started, you can perform a variety of commands as listed below.
Cursor and Targeting
- "target <target>" ("target friendly face", "target my minion 1", "target enemy hero")
- "click <target>" ("click my hero", "click enemy face", "target enemy hero")
- "click" - send a click to the current cursor position
- "cancel" - send a right click to the current cursor position
Playing Cards
- "play <card>" - play a card to the board
- "play <card> on <friendly>" - play a minion to the left of the friendly minion specified
- "play <card> to <target>" - play a card onto the specified target
- Quick Play: You don't need to say "play card to target", just "card to target"
Using Hero Power (you can say the hero power's name instead of "hero power")
- "use hero power" - use hero power
- "use hero power on <target>" - use hero power on specified minion
Quick Play: Just say "hero power" or "hero power on target"
Attacking with Minions
- (Since you can't attack a friendly minion with an enemy minion, you don't need to specify "friendly" or "enemy" for these commands)
- "attack <enemy> with <friendly>" ("Attack Sylvanas Windrunner with Dr. Boom")
- "<friendly> go <enemy>" ("Huffer go face")
- "say <emote>"
thanks/thank you, well played, greetings/hello, sorry, oops, threaten
Choices and Options
- "choose option <x> of <y>"
when presented with options (such as certain Druid cards), x is the option you
want to select and y is the number of total options, up to 4.
Say "click" afterwards to confirm your selection.
End Turn
- "end turn" - ends your turn
You can use the following synonyms:
- hero, face
- enemy, opposing, opponent
- my, friendly
Please check that your default audio device is set to the microphone used for speech recognition and restart Hearthstone Deck Tracker. You may also want to adjust the threshold level in the settings window (available from within the HDT plugins panel)
You can also enable the debug log and send it to me, it might help!
0.3.3 Alpha
What is HDT-Voice?
HDT-Voice is a plugin for Hearthstone Deck Tracker that allows you to play the game and navigate the menus using simple voice commands.
What's new in this version
- Added a status indicator. Red means the plugin is busy, green means you can speak. (Disable in settings)
- Added "quick play" setting (see below), which shortens the grammar used for playing cards (Disable in settings)
- Added option to hide or change the location of the text indicator
Bug fixes and miscellaneous
- When multiple of one card are in a zone, not specifying a number defaults to the leftmost
- Minor grammar changes and updates
- The plugin should now pick up the correct card when playing a card
- Playing a spell to a friendly minion now no longer targets the wrong minion
- The plugin should now more frequently update the data it uses for getting target positions
Sounds good, how do I get it?
The latest version of HDT-Voice will always be available here:
Since HDT-Voice is a plugin for Hearthstone Deck Tracker, you'll also need to download and configure it before you are able to use HDT-Voice.
Hearthstone Deck Tracker is available from:
OK, I got the download, now what?
To install, simply copy HDT-Voice.dll into your Hearthstone Deck Tracker plugins folder, then right click and select Properties and check "Unblock" at the bottom of the panel.
Once you have installed the DLL file, open Hearthstone Deck Tracker and go to the Options menu. Select Plugins, then select HDT-Voice and click "Enable".
Click the "Configure" button to select the audio device that HDT-Voice will use to receive voice commands (NYI: default audio device only), as well as adjust the threshold for voice recognition.
Once you've completed the above steps, next time you load Hearthstone you should see "HDT-Voice: Listening..." in the upper left hand corner of the window. That means that everything has worked and you should now be able to use voice commands in Hearthstone!
I've done all that, now how do I attack face?!
Good thing you asked! The first thing you need to know is that the plugin operates in two different modes: menu mode and game mode.
Menu Mode
From the main menu you will probably want to say...
- "Play"
- "Solo" (NYI)
- "Arena" (NYI)
- "Brawl" (no deck editor)
If you're at the Play menu/deck selection screen, you might want to say...
- "Basic", "Custom" or"Deck 1-9" to select deck
- "Casual" or "Ranked" for game type
- "Start Game" to start the game
- "Cancel" to cancel the opponent finder
- "Back" to go back
Or maybe the plugin thought you said "brawl", in which case say...
- "Start Brawl" to start brawl
- "Cancel" to cancel the opponent finder
- "Back" to go back
Game Mode
When referring to a card or minion, you may refer to it by it's name or by it's number.
- <card> - a card name or number ("card 1", "card 2", "Sludge Belcher", "Armorsmith 2")
- <friendly> - a friendly minion ("minion 3", "Sludge Belcher 2")
- <enemy> - an enemy minion
- <target> - a target, specify which side ("friendly minion 4", "enemy hero")
The first thing you do when you start a game of Hearthstone is mulligan a card (or all of them). To do so, say one of the following:
- "click <card>" ("click 2", "click Dr. Boom")
- "click confirm"
Once the game has started, you can perform a variety of commands as listed below.
- "target <target>" ("target friendly face", "target my minion 1", "target enemy hero")
- "click <target>" ("click my hero", "click enemy face", "target enemy hero")
- "click" - send a click to the current cursor position
- "play <card>" - play a card to the board
- "play <card> on <friendly>" - play a minion to the left of the friendly minion specified
- "play <card> to <target>" - play a card onto the specified target
- Quick Play: You don't need to say "play card to target", just "card to target"
- "use hero power" - use hero power
- "use hero power on <target>" - use hero power on specified minion
- Quick Play: Just say "hero power" or "hero power on target"
- "attack <enemy> with <friendly>" ("Attack Sylvanas Windrunner with Dr. Boom")
- "<friendly> go <enemy>" ("Huffer go face")
- "say <emote>"
thanks/thank you, well played, greetings/hello, sorry, oops, threaten - "choose option <x> of <y>"
when presented with options (such as certain Druid cards), x is the option you
want to select and y is the number of total options, up to 4.
Say "click" afterwards to confirm your selection. - "end turn" - ends your turn
You can use the following synonyms:
- hero, face
- enemy, opposing, opponent
- my, friendly
Please check that your default audio device is set to the microphone used for speech recognition and restart Hearthstone Deck Tracker. You may also want to adjust the threshold level in the settings window (available from within the HDT plugins panel)
You can also enable the debug log and send it to me, it might help!
Version 0.3 Alpha
What is HDT-Voice?
HDT-Voice is a plugin for Hearthstone Deck Tracker that allows you to play the game and navigate the menus using simple voice commands.
Sounds good, how do I get it?
The latest version of HDT-Voice will always be available here:
Since HDT-Voice is a plugin for Hearthstone Deck Tracker, you'll also need to download and configure it before you are able to use HDT-Voice.
Hearthstone Deck Tracker is available from:
OK, I got the download, now what?
To install, simply copy HDT-Voice.dll into your Hearthstone Deck Tracker plugins folder, then right click and select Properties and check "Unblock" at the bottom of the panel.
Once you have installed the DLL file, open Hearthstone Deck Tracker and go to the Options menu. Select Plugins, then select HDT-Voice and click "Enable".
Click the "Configure" button to select the audio device that HDT-Voice will use to receive voice commands (NYI: default audio device only), as well as adjust the threshold for voice recognition.
Once you've completed the above steps, next time you load Hearthstone you should see "HDT-Voice: Listening..." in the upper left hand corner of the window. That means that everything has worked and you should now be able to use voice commands in Hearthstone!
I've done all that, now how do I attack face?!
Good thing you asked! The first thing you need to know is that the plugin operates in two different modes: menu mode and game mode.
Menu Mode
From the main menu you will probably want to say...
- "Play"
- "Solo" (NYI)
- "Arena" (NYI)
- "Brawl" (no deck editor)
If you're at the Play menu/deck selection screen, you might want to say...
- "Basic", "Custom" or"Deck 1-9" to select deck
- "Casual" or "Ranked" for game type
- "Start Game" to start the game
- "Cancel" to cancel the opponent finder
- "Back" to go back
Or maybe the plugin thought you said "brawl", in which case say...
- "Start Brawl" to start brawl
- "Cancel" to cancel the opponent finder
- "Back" to go back
Game Mode
When referring to a card or minion, you may refer to it by it's name or by it's number.
- <card> - a card name or number ("1", "2", "Sludge Belcher", "Armorsmith 2")
- <friendly> - a friendly minion ("minion 3", "Sludge Belcher 2")
- <enemy> - an enemy minion
- <target> - a target, specify which side ("friendly minion 4", "enemy hero")
The first thing you do when you start a game of Hearthstone is mulligan a card (or all of them). To do so, say one of the following:
- "click <card>" ("click 2", "click Dr. Boom")
- "click confirm"
Once the game has started, you can perform a variety of commands as listed below.
- "target <target>" ("target friendly face", "target my minion 1", "target enemy hero")
- "play <card>" - play a card to the right of the board
- "play <card> to <friendly>" - play a minion to the left of the friendly minion specified
- "cast <card> on <target>" - play a card onto the minion specified
- "use hero power" - use hero power
- "use hero power on <target>" - use hero power on specified minion
- "attack <enemy> with <friendly>" ("Attack Sylvanas Windrunner with Dr. Boom")
- "<friendly> go <enemy>" ("Huffer go face")
- "say <emote>"
thanks/thank you, well played, greetings/hello, sorry, oops, threaten - "choose option <x> of <y>"
when presented with options (such as certain Druid cards), x is the option you
want to select and y is the number of total options, up to 4.
Say "click" afterwards to confirm your selection. - "end turn" - ends your turn
You can use the following synonyms:
- hero, face
- enemy, opposing, opponent
- my, friendly
Please check that your default audio device is set to the microphone used for speech recognition and restart Hearthstone Deck Tracker. You may also want to adjust the threshold level in the settings window (available from within the HDT plugins panel)
You can also enable the debug log and send it to me, it might help!
Version 0.2.1
HDT-Voice is a plugin for Hearthstone Deck Tracker that allows you to play
the game and navigate the menus using simple voice commands.
Hearthstone Deck Tracker is available from:
To install, simply copy HDT-Voice.dll into your Hearthstone Deck Tracker plugins
folder, then right click and select Properties and check "Unblock" at the bottom
of the panel.
Once you have installed the DLL file, open Hearthstone Deck Tracker and go to the
Options menu. Select Plugins, then select HDT-Voice and click "Enable".
Click the "Configure" button to select the audio device that HDT-Voice will use
to receive voice commands (NYI: default audio device only), as well as adjust the threshold for voice recognition.
Once you've completed the above steps, next time you load Hearthstone you should
see "HDT-Voice: Listening..." in the upper left hand corner of the window. That
means that everything has worked and you should now be able to use voice commands
in Hearthstone!
Menu Navigation
Main Menu
- Play - Solo (NYI) - Arena (NYI) - Brawl (no deck editor)Play Menu
- "Basic", "Custom" and "Deck 1-9" to select deck - "Casual", "Ranked" for game type - "Start Game" to start the game - "Cancel" to cancel the opponent finder - "Back" to go backBrawl Menu
- "Start Brawl" to start brawl - "Cancel" to cancel the opponent finder - "Back" to go backPlaying the Game
You can refer to a card or minion as either "card x" or "minion x", or you
can use it's name. If there are multiple with the same name, they will be
numbered as they are ordered in the game, i.e. "Wisp 1", "Wisp 2" from left
to right.
In Game Commands
"click <card>"
"click confirm"