An implementation of the classic game Snake and an environment to use to use in reinforcement learning. An actor-critic agent with a pre-trained model is provided.
It is not the cleanest Python project, but it solves its purpose and hopefully someone can use parts of it or finds it interesting.
- Python 3.6–3.8
- numpy (tested with 1.18.5)
- OpenAI Gym (tested with 0.17.3)
- tensorflow (tested with 2.3.0)
- tensorflow_probability (tested with 0.11.1)
- PySdl2 (for the graphical representation)
See the requirements.txt file for detailed Python requirements or use
pip install -r requirements.txt --user
to install them (note: you may have to use pip3
on Ubuntu).
You may need to install the sdl2 libraries and development files appropriate for the operating system. On Ubuntu-based distributions you can type
sudo apt-get install libsdl2*-dev
to install them.
The game (rlsnake/game) is encapsulated in an environment inspired by the OpenAI Gym environments. You should be able to use the environment (rlsnake/env) in programs using such environments. However, currently you have to instantiate the environment yourself, using
from rlsnake.envs.rlsnake_env_v1 import RlSnakeEnvV1
env = RlSnakeEnvV1(args.x, args.y, args.visibility_range)
We provide a pre-trained model which you can use to get you started.
python3 --model-path models/ac_pretrained/model --x 6 --y 6 --seed 123 --autoplay
to let the agent play with this model on a 6x6 field.
To start training your own model, use the train script. For example
python3 --episodes 100000 --gamma 0.995 --neurons 512 --learning-rate 1e-3 --max-steps 200 --run-id RUN_ID
The results, including model checkpoints and the final model, will be stored in the directory results/RUN_ID.
We write a few training values (reward/episode, running_reward, moves/episode) into TensorBoard data files. Type
tensorboard --logdir results/
to launch a TensorBoard instance and then follow the output to view the training values in real time.
We provide a simple implementation to try out the game as a human. In contrast to the original snake, it is turn based, i.e., every time you take an action it will perform that action and wait for you to take the next step. While this takes away the stress of the original Snake, it does not matter much for reinforcement learning, as it is always possible to map one time step of the game onto one observation for the model and get back the action to apply to the game.
to start playing. Use your arrow keys on the keyboard to move around. You can pass the parameters --x NUMBER_OF_HORIZONTAL_TILES
to change the size of the field.