Benchmarking framework for Clojure
[net.totakke/libra "0.1.1"]
Clojure CLI:
net.totakke/libra {:mvn/version "0.1.1"}
Leiningen plugin:
:plugins [[net.totakke/lein-libra "0.1.2"]]
Boot task:
[net.totakke/boot-libra "0.1.0" :scope "test"]
CLI runner:
net.totakke/libra-runner {:git/url ""
:sha "6d2da78300438cb212b58d17675fc9e5d405ad49"
:deps/root "libra-runner"}
Libra provides clojure.test-like functions and macros for benchmarking. For
example, defbench
defines a benchmark and run-benches
measures defined
benchmarks in the namespace.
(require '[libra.bench :refer :all])
(defn slow-inc [n]
(Thread/sleep 10)
(inc n))
(defbench slow-inc-bench
(is (dur 10 (slow-inc 100))))
;; Measuring user
;; slow-inc-bench (:xx)
;; time: 11.725818 ms, sd: 1.073600 ms
;;=> nil
Basic usage is writing benchmarks in a separate directory (e.g. bench
) from
and running them with command-line. See example project
and try running benchmark.
The project consists of the following files.
├── project.clj or build.boot or deps.edn
├── src/
│ └── example/
│ └── core.clj
└── bench/
└── example/
└── core_bench.clj
Locate your awesome codes in src/example/core.clj
as usual, and write
benchmarking programs in bench/example/core_bench.clj
(ns example.core-bench
(:require [libra.bench :refer :all]
[example.core :refer :all]))
(defbench primes-with-trial-div-bench
(is (dur 10 (doall (primes-with-trial-div 100000)))))
(defbench primes-with-eratosthenes-bench
(is (dur 10 (doall (primes-with-eratosthenes 100000)))))
To run the benchmark with Leiningen,
$ lein libra
lein-libra looks benchmark files in bench
directory by default. You can change
this by placing the following in project.clj
:libra {:bench-paths ["path/to/bench"]}
You can supply predicates to determine whether to run a benchmark or not, which
takes defbench
metadata as argument:
:libra {:bench-selectors {:default (complement :slow)
:slow :slow}}
To run the benchmark with Boot,
$ lein benchmarking libra
boot-libra provides libra
task. Benchmark directory needs to be included in
the classpath, so that you should add a profile task for benchmarking:
(require '[libra.boot :refer [libra]])
(deftask benchmarking []
(set-env! :source-paths #(conj % "bench"))
Include a dependency on libra-runner in deps.edn
:aliases {:libra {:extra-paths ["bench"]
:extra-deps {net.totakke/libra-runner {:git/url ""
:sha "<git commit sha>"
:deps/root "libra-runner"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "libra.runner"]}}
Then, invoke libra
alias with CLI.
$ clj -Alibra
You may supply additional options:
-d, --dir DIR Name of the directory containing benchmarks, default "bench".
-n, --namespace SYMBOL Symbol indicating a specific namespace to run benchmarks.
-i, --include KEYWORD Run only benchmarks that have this metadata keyword.
-e, --exclude KEYWORD Exclude benchmarks with this metadata keyword.
Libra can be used with a famous benchmarking library, Criterium.
provides wrapper macros of Criterium.
(require '[libra.criterium :as c])
(defbench primes-with-eratosthenes-bench
(is (c/quick-bench (doall (primes-with-eratosthenes 100000)))))
Copyright © 2017-2019 Toshiki Takeuchi
Distributed under the MIT License.