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My Scripts

My Collection of Scripts.

Description of scripts

  • alacritty - this contains some scripts related to alacritty
  • asciiart - some ascii art, one of them i use for neofetch
  • basic - this contains notifications scripts for brightness, volume, mic
  • dmenu - this contains dmenu scripts
  • firefox - this contain firefox related scripts
  • i3 - contain i3 related script
  • i3lock - contain lockscreen scripts
  • info - just some info script i was trying to make
  • music - this contains scripts i bound to shortcut keys on my keyboard, to play, stop music, it stops every player running, etc.
  • ocr - this contain a script which take screenshot and then copy the text to clipboard, OCR used tesseract
  • palettes - contain some palletes for imagegonord
  • - test script for imagegonord
  • idleshutdown - turns off pc if you forget touching it for two hours
  • - fix the resolution, i use it sometimes
  • screenshot - i use this with rofi-screenshot, here is repo
  • - i use this to set wallpaper, and i link this everywhere i need to change wallpaper



  • for large files
youtube-dl [VideoUrl] -f 140 --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args "-j 12 -s 12 -x 12 -k 5M"
  • for small files
youtube-dl [VideoUrl] -f 140 --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args "-j 8 -s 8 -x 8 -k 5M"
  • -x for audio


  • merge audio and video into a single file
ffmpeg -i [video.mp4] -i [audio.mp3] -c:v copy -c:a [out.mp4]

google test to speech api

wget -q -U Mozilla -O output.mp3 ""