Normalizing bash administration and development across different OS-es and distributions plus various helpful aliases and functions.
With that it is meant that you can use bash similar way in different environments with the help of so called modes and aliases. For instance we have install mode for installing packages where you only need to know package name. And we have scm-git mode which enhances git usage. Keyboard shortcuts should should work the same documented way across distributions / OSes. This script also enhances configuration, autocompletion and default settings. Effective documentation is kept in wiki. Check also latest video demos
Helps bridge the gap between different systems. What developers say is a wealth of choices is possible for some users a torment. That is the main reason script exists but not leave behind those who are eager to learn new things.
Help and contributions are highly desirable and appreciated.
Bash4all is ready for Unix-like operating system ( macOS, Linux, BSD). Run installer as bash script to install or update it. Script will automatically install git from "your" repository (if not already available on system), clone this repository and bind your current user to it.
via curl:
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
via wget:
bash -c "$(wget -O-"
or shortened:
bash -c "$(wget -O-"
Here are described some examples of usage. The rest is maintained in Wiki pages.
Development and executing mode for programming language.
- I - unconditionally installs package(s)
- i - installs package(s)
- U - unconditionally uninstall package(s)
- u - uninstall package(s)
- S - service command (start, stop, .. )
- ...
mode pkg
I vlc # installs vlc
Source Code Management for bzr, git, hg or svn.
Generic SCM commands:
- co URL - Clone or checkout repository. Default set to git type
- add item - add item under SCM
- commit - track change
- push - publish changes
- pull - get changes from remote
- branch - create branch
- log - show commit history
mode for a particular job
- pkg - mode for installing and uninstalling software
- scm - Source Code Management. This module starts also automatically when in SCM folder
extract archive Extracting to current dir
Begin of line search Type beginning of previous command and then PgUp / PgDown cycles through history only for matching entries.
Full text backward search Famous Ctrl + r search through commands history.
Bash4all uses some other great scripts:
- nvm - nodejs version manager. Available under
mode development js
- cht - best community driven documentation repositories. Available under
mode development *
- ...
You can also personalize complex installer. The rest of doc is found in Wiki pages to minimize core repository.