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This plugin allows your app to make payments with Tpay.


Get Tpay instance

final TpayPlatform tpay = TpayPlatform.instance;

UI Module

Tpay plugin contains UI module. Users can interact with it to make payments.



Tpay UI module requires your MainActivity to extend FlutterFragmentActivity and to pass system backpress events.

class MainActivity: FlutterFragmentActivity() {  
    override fun onBackPressed() {  
        if (TpayBackpressUtil.isModuleVisible) {  
        } else {  


When integrating the Tpay payment module into your app, it’s important to ensure that the necessary permissions are correctly set up to ensure a smooth user experience.

Privacy - Camera Usage Description

The module allows the user to automatically fill the credit card form for secure payment processing. This feature requires you to setup the “Privacy - Camera Usage Description” in your app’s Info.plist file.

Integration Steps

  1. Open your project’s Info.plist file.
  2. Add the key-value pair for the “Privacy - Camera Usage Description” permission, explaining the purpose of camera access. Clearly state that the camera is used to facilitate the automatic filling of the credit card form for secure payment processing.


<string>We need access to your camera to automatically fill the credit card form for secure payment processing.</string>

Configure Tpay module

This configuration allows your app to use Tpay UI module and screenless payments.

final configuration = TpayConfiguration(  
  merchant: Merchant(
    authorization: MerchantAuthorization(
      clientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", 
      clientSecret: "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"
    environment: TpayEnvironment.production,
    certificatePinningConfiguration: CertificatePinningConfiguration(publicKeyHash: "PUBLIC_KEY_HASH"),
    blikAliasToRegister: "BLIK alias",
    walletConfiguration: WalletConfiguration(
      googlePay: GooglePayConfiguration(merchantId: "YOUR_MERCHANT_ID"),
      applePay: ApplePayConfiguration(merchantIdentifier: "MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER", countryCode: "PL")
  merchantDetails: MerchantDetails(
    merchantDisplayName: [  
      LocalizedString(language:, value: "polish name"),  
      LocalizedString(language: Language.en, value: "english name")  
    merchantHeadquarters: [
      LocalizedString(language:, value: "polish city name"),
      LocalizedString(language: Language.en, value: "english city name")
    regulations: [  
      LocalizedString(language:, value: "polish regulation url"),  
      LocalizedString(language: Language.en, value: "english regulation url")  
  languages: Languages(  
    supportedLanguages: [, Language.en]  
  paymentMethods: PaymentMethods(  
    methods: [
    wallets: [
    installmentPayments: [InstallmentPayment.ratyPekao, InstallmentPayment.payPo]


Payment with Tpay UI

final transaction = SingleTransaction(  
  amount: 19.99,  
  description: "transaction description",  
  payerContext: PayerContext(  
    payer: Payer(  
      name: "John Doe",  
      email: "",  
      phone: null,  
      address: null  
    automaticPaymentMethods: AutomaticPaymentMethods(  
      tokenizedCards: [  
          token: "card token", 
          cardTail: "1234", 
	      brand: CreditCardBrand.mastercard
          token: "card token", 
          cardTail: "4321", 
      blikAlias: BlikAlias(isRegistered: true, value: "alias value", label: "label")


Credit card tokenization

final payer = Payer(  
  name: "John Doe",  
  email: "",  
  phone: null,  
  address: null  

tpay.tokenizeCard(Tokenization(payer: payer, notificationUrl: ""));

Credit card token payment

final tokenPayment = TokenPayment(  
  amount: 19.99,  
  description: "transaction description",  
  cardToken: "card token",  
  payer: Payer(  
    name: "John Doe",  
    email: "",  
    phone: null,  
    address: null  


Tpay UI module result handling

void handleResult(Result result){  
  if (result is PaymentCompleted) {  
    // payment completed successfully and Tpay module was closed  
  if (result is PaymentCancelled) {  
    // payment failed and Tpay module was closed  
  if (result is TokenizationCompleted) {  
    // tokenization was successful and Tpay module was closed  
  if (result is TokenizationFailure) {  
    // tokenization failed and Tpay module was closed  
  if (result is ConfigurationSuccess) {  
    // Tpay module configuration was successful  
  if (result is ValidationError) {  
    // passed data is incorrect  
  if (result is ModuleClosed) {  
    // user closed the Tpay module  
    // without making a payment or tokenization
  if (result is MethodCallError) {  
    // something went wrong with the plugin  

Screenless payments

Tpay plugin allows for creating payments without displaying the Tpay UI module.

Screenless BLIK payment

User can pay with 6 digit BLIK code or alias (returning users only).

final payment = BLIKPayment(
  code: "123456",  
  alias: BlikAlias(isRegistered: true, value: "alias value", label: "label"),  
  paymentDetails: PaymentDetails(  
    amount: 19.99,  
    description: "transaction description",  
    hiddenDescription: "hidden description",  
  payer: Payer(  
    name: "John Doe",  
    email: "",  
    phone: null,  
    address: null  
  callbacks: Callbacks(  
    redirects: Redirects(  
      successUrl: "",  
      errorUrl: "",  
    notifications: Notifications(  
      url: "",  
      email: ""  

Screenless Ambiguous BLIK payment

screenlessBLIKPayment(...) method can return a ScreenlessBlikAmbiguousAlias result, this means that user has BLIK alias registered in more than one bank. You need to display ambiguous aliases provided in ScreenlessBlikAmbiguousAlias result to the user. After that, you need to continue the payment with ambiguous alias selected by user using screenlessAmbiguousBLIKPayment(...) method.

final payment = AmbiguousBLIKPayment(
  transactionId: "id", // received from ScreenlessBlikAmbiguousAlias result
  blikAlias: BlikAlias(...), // BLIK alias used to create payment with screenlessBLIKPayment(...) method
  ambiguousAlias: AmbiguousAlias(...) // ambiguous alias selected by user


Screenless transfer payment

Transfer payment requires a channelId of bank in Tpay system.

final payment = TransferPayment(  
  channelId: 4,  
  paymentDetails: PaymentDetails(  
    amount: 19.99,  
    description: "transaction description",  
    hiddenDescription: "hidden description",  
  payer: Payer(  
    name: "John Doe",  
    email: "",  
    phone: null,  
    address: null  
  callbacks: Callbacks(  
    redirects: Redirects(  
      successUrl: "",  
      errorUrl: "",  
    notifications: Notifications(  
      url: "",  
      email: ""  

Screenless Raty Pekao payment

Raty Pekao payment requires a channelId of Raty Pekao variant.

final payment = RatyPekaoPayment(
  channelId: 81,
  paymentDetails: PaymentDetails(
    amount: 119.99,
    description: "transaction description",
    hiddenDescription: "hidden description",
  payer: Payer(
    name: "John Doe",
    email: "",
    phone: null,
    address: null
  callbacks: Callbacks(
    redirects: Redirects(
      successUrl: "",
      errorUrl: "",
    notifications: Notifications(
      url: "",
      email: ""


Screenless PayPo payment

final payment = PayPoPayment(
  paymentDetails: PaymentDetails(
    amount: 119.99,
    description: "transaction description",
    hiddenDescription: "hidden description",
  payer: Payer(
    name: "John Doe",
    email: "",
    phone: null,
    address: null
  callbacks: Callbacks(
    redirects: Redirects(
      successUrl: "",
      errorUrl: "",
    notifications: Notifications(
      url: "",
      email: ""


Screenless credit card payment

User can pay with credit card or credit card token (returning users only). When paying with card number, expiration date and cvv user should have a option to save card. If selected, after a successful payment the card token will be sent to notification url if defined.

final payment = CreditCardPayment(  
  creditCard: CreditCard(  
    cardNumber: "card number",
    expiryDate: ExpirationDate(
      month: "12",
      year: "24"
    cvv: "123",  
    config: CreditCardConfig(
      shouldSave: false,  
      domain: ""  
  creditCardToken: "card token",  
  paymentDetails: PaymentDetails(  
    amount: 19.99,  
    description: "transaction description",  
    hiddenDescription: "hidden description",  
  payer: Payer(  
    name: "John Doe",  
    email: "",  
    phone: null,  
    address: null  
  callbacks: Callbacks(  
    redirects: Redirects(  
      successUrl: "",  
      errorUrl: "",  
    notifications: Notifications(  
      url: "",  
      email: ""  

Screenless Google Pay payment

Users can pay with Google Pay, in order to start the payment you need to provide the Google Pay token. To make this process easier you can use Google Pay utils described later in this document.

final payment = GooglePayPayment(
  token: "google pay token",
  paymentDetails: PaymentDetails(
    amount: 19.99,
    description: "transaction description",
    hiddenDescription: "hidden description",
  payer: Payer(
      name: "John Doe",
      email: "",
      phone: null,
      address: null
  callbacks: Callbacks(
    redirects: Redirects(
      successUrl: "",
      errorUrl: "",
    notifications: Notifications(
      url: "",
      email: ""


Screenless Apple Pay payment

Users can pay with Apple Pay, in order to start the payment you need to provide the Apple Pay token.

final payment = ApplePayPayment(
  applePayToken: "apple pay token",
  paymentDetails: PaymentDetails(
    amount: 19.99,
    description: "transaction description",
    hiddenDescription: "hidden description",
  payer: Payer(
    name: "John Doe",
    email: "",
    phone: null,
    address: null
  callbacks: Callbacks(
    redirects: Redirects(
      successUrl: "",
      errorUrl: "",
    notifications: Notifications(
      url: "",
      email: ""


Screenless payment result handling

void handleScreenlessResult(ScreenlessResult result) {  
  if (result is ScreenlessPaid) {  
    // payment completed successfully  
  if (result is ScreenlessPaymentCreated) {  
    // payment was successfully created  
    // if it was a BLIK payment user has to accept it in bank app    
    // if it was a credit card or transfer payment you have to    
    // display result.paymentUrl to finish the payment    
    // it is advised to use long polling mechanism to observe    
    // payment status    
    // you can get transaction id from result.transactionId    
  if (result is ScreenlessPaymentError) {  
    // creating payment failed  
  if (result is ScreenlessConfiguredPaymentFailed) {  
    // creating payment failed because of error with:  
    // - credit card data or credit card token    
    // - BLIK code or BLIK alias  
  if (result is ScreenlessBlikAmbiguousAlias) {
    // when using BLIK payment with alias this result indicates
    // that user has alias registered in more than one bank
    // display result.aliases to the user and
    // continue payment using tpay.screenlessAmbiguousBLIKPayment(...) method
  if (result is ScreenlessValidationError) {  
    // passed data is incorrect  
  if (result is ScreenlessMethodCallError) {  
    // something went wrong with the plugin  

Google Pay utils (Android only)

SDK offers few convenience methods of interacting with Google Pay.

// Configure Google Pay utils before using other methods
final configuration = GooglePayUtilsConfiguration(
  price: 39.99, // final price
  merchantName: "YOUR_STORE_NAME",
  merchantId: "MERCHANT_ID",
  environment: GooglePayEnvironment.production

final configurationResult = await tpay.configureGooglePayUtils(configuration);
if (configurationResult is GooglePayConfigureSuccess) {
  // configuration successful

if (configurationResult is GooglePayConfigureError) {
  // configuration failed
  // check error message via configurationResult.message

// Check if Google Pay is available
// This method will always return false if Google Pay utils are not configured
final isAvailable = await tpay.isGooglePayAvailable();
if (isAvailable) {
  // display Google Pay button

// If Google Pay is available, you can open it
final googlePayResult = await tpay.openGooglePay();

if (googlePayResult is GooglePayOpenSuccess) {
  // credit card data was received successfully
  // this result contains token, description, cardNetwork and cardTail parameters
  // use googlePayResult.token parameter with tpay.screenlessGooglePayPayment(...) 
  // to create a Google Pay payment

if (googlePayResult is GooglePayOpenCancelled) {
  // user closed the Google Pay module without selecting a credit card

if (googlePayResult is GooglePayOpenUnknownError) {
  // unknown error

if (googlePayResult is GooglePayOpenNotConfigured) {
  // Google Pay utils not configured

Fetch payment channels

Fetch available payment channels for your merchant account. Filter channels based on payment constraints.

final result = await tpay.getAvailablePaymentChannels();

if (result is PaymentChannelsSuccess) {
  // payment channels received
  for (var channel in result.channels) {
    // channel can have payment constraints
    // that need to be satisfied, otherwise the payment creation will fail
    for (var constraint in channel.constraints) {
      if (constraint is AmountPaymentConstraint) {
        // check if your payment amount is between
        // - constraint.minimum
        // - constraint.maximum
        // this constraint can have:
        // - only minimum value
        // - only maximum value
        // - minimum and maximum values
    // display payment channel if all payment constraints are satisfied
if (result is PaymentChannelsError) {
  // error occurred
  // read error message via result.message

Run sample application

git clone <github-link> tpay
cd tpay/example
flutter run